
米言看科技 2024-04-22 00:07:20
We've been waiting for this moment. This is the iPhone moment, if you will, of artificial intelligence chat. Gpt is a very big deal. Just think about it. In just a few days, right? Handful of days. Is now reached 10s of millions of people. And the amazing thing is this. Everybody's using it for different reasons, and everybody finds it delightful. That's its miracle. When was the last time that we saw a piece of technology that is so versatile that it can solve problems and surprise people in so many ways so often? It can write poem. Of course it can write. It could fill out a spreadsheet. It could do a sequel carry. It could write a SQL query. And does do a SQL query. It could write python code, as you know, it could write very log. So the fact that you have this tool that can do all these different things has really. Has really surprised a lot of people around the world. Now for a lot of people in the industry, they've been working on this, we've been waiting for this moment. This is the iPhone moment, if you will, of artificial intelligence. This is the time when all of the big ideas about mobile computing and all that, it all came together in a product that everybody just kinda. I see it, I see it. I can now use this as an API. And I connected to a spreadsheet, I connected to powerpoint, I connected to a drawing program, I connect to a photo editing program. It'll make everything better. So we now know that this is going to be a monumental impact on technology. And now the question is, how quickly would the technology diffuse? And I think that. That the last 60 days kind of tells us something. The rate of technology diffusion could be quite high, for example. But since chat gpd came out, probably some 500 startups have already happened. And not only that, in about 2 weeks time, they created applications that are really delightful and useful in a couple of weeks time. This is no different than when browsers were created and somebody, boom, overnight created, wrote javascript, and Bam, you've got a website. That's really quite surprising. When the iPhone came out, and all of a sudden somebody wrote something, took about a couple of weekends, and Bam, they have piece of software they can download from the app store. Pretty amazing, right? And so these kind of. This is going to happen now. This is. I think that's a foregone conclusion. The thing that's really exciting to me is that this basic technology can now be applied to a whole bunch of other industries that have never enjoyed the benefit of technology. Think about this idea for the last 40 years. For the entire 40 years that I've been in the industry, we have done nothing but make computers harder and harder for people to program. And that's why the technology divide has been so large. And the technology divide is getting larger and larger. Except till one day, all of a sudden, everybody can program a computer. Literally, everyone can program computer. We have democratized computing. It doesn't matter if you're a farmer, a doctor, a nurse, a frontline worker, assistant, a travel agent, doesn't matter. A small business, a restaurant owner, doesn't matter. Everybody is now a programmer. Isn't that right? You just have to prompt this thing to write a program for you, to do something for you, automate something for you. We have. We have just. We have done. What opening I has done and what the team over there has done genuinely is one of the greatest things that. That has ever been done for computing. We have democratized computing in a very large way, and so I'm very excited about that. 我们一直在等待这一刻。如果你愿意,这是人工智能聊天的iPhone时刻。Gpt是一个非常大的问题。想想看。就在几天之内,对吗?只有几天。现在已经达到了上千万人。令人惊奇的是。每个人都因为不同的原因使用它,每个人都觉得它很有趣。这就是它的奇迹。 我们最后一次看到一项如此多功能的技术是什么时候,它可以解决问题,并经常以多种方式给人们带来惊喜?它会写诗。它当然会写字。它可以填写电子表格。它可以做一个续集进位。它可以编写SQL查询。并执行SQL查询。它可以写python代码,它可以写很多日志。所以事实上,你有这个工具可以做所有这些不同的事情。让世界上很多人都感到惊讶。 对于这个行业的很多人来说,他们一直在努力,我们一直在等待这一刻。如果你愿意,这是人工智能的iPhone时刻。在这个时代,所有关于移动计算的伟大想法,都汇集在一个产品中,每个人都有点。我看见了,我看见了。我现在可以将其用作API。我连接了一个电子表格,我连接了一个ppt,我连接了一个绘图程序,我连接了一个照片编辑程序。一切都会好起来的。所以我们现在知道这将对技术产生巨大的影响。 现在的问题是,技术扩散的速度会有多快?我认为。过去的60天告诉了我们一些事情。例如,技术扩散的速度可能相当快。但自从chat gpd出现以来,大概已经有500家创业公司成立了。不仅如此,在大约两周的时间里,他们创造了非常令人愉快和有用的应用程序。这和浏览器刚被创造出来的时候没有什么不同,一夜之间有人发明了浏览器,写了javascript,然后你就有了一个网站。这真的很令人惊讶。当iPhone问世时,突然有人写了一些东西,花了几个周末,嘭,他们就有了一个可以从应用商店下载的软件。很神奇,对吧?所以这些都是。这将会发生。这是。 我认为这是意料之中的结果。真正让我兴奋的是,这项基础技术现在可以应用到很多其他从未享受过技术好处的行业。 想想过去40年的这个想法。在我进入这个行业的40年里,我们什么也没做,只是让人们越来越难编程。这就是技术鸿沟如此之大的原因。技术鸿沟越来越大。直到有一天,突然之间,每个人都能编写计算机程序。毫不夸张地说,每个人都能给电脑编程。我们实现了计算机的民主化。不管你是农民、医生、护士、一线工人、助理、旅行社,都没关系。一个小生意,一个餐馆老板,都不重要。现在每个人都是程序员。不是吗?你只需要提示它为你写一个程序,为你做一些事情,为你自动化一些事情。我们有。我们刚刚。我们做到了。我所做的开场以及那边的团队所做的是最伟大的事情之一。这在计算机领域从未有过。我们在很大程度上实现了计算机的民主化,所以我对此感到非常兴奋。
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