
湖边时光课程 2024-09-27 15:08:56

【每日一词】deter -/di-ˈtər/ v. 使打消念头,防止


1: to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting //she would not be deterred by threats

2: inhibit //painting to deter rust


deter from: 使不做;阻止某人做某事;阻止

Single Deter: 单相商业灯光节电器

Melanin-deter: 制黑成分

Dirty Night Deter-minator: 火辣夜要素

deter foreign investment: 吓跑外资

Deter competitors 吓阻竞争对手

Sun deter 防晒用

cim deter 滑块

die deter 模块

moment deter 力矩块

deter interference 防干扰

deter dangerous driving 震慑危险的驾驶行为

Examples of deter in a Sentence

1 For some species that deter attack by being poisonous, the goal of their physical appearance is not to hide or confuse other forest creatures, but to be noticed. —Candice Millard, The River of Doubt, 2005

2 As of Monday morning, the assassination attempt has not deterred Trump from his campaign schedule, as he is set to attend multiple rallies in battleground states Michigan and Wisconsin. —Asher Notheis, Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government, 16 Sep. 2024

3 Squirrels find the rhizome roots distasteful and are deterred by the highly perfumed scent of the blooms. —Mary Marlowe Leverette, Southern Living, 14 Sep. 2024

4 That’s important not only because of the lower cost but also because of the historical stigma associated with hearing aids, which deters some who need hearing assistance from seeking them out. —Tim Bajarin, Forbes, 10 Sep. 2024

5 It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter. 是时候摆脱那些传统力量无法阻止的旧观念了。

6 No amount of foul weather, whether hail, wind, rain or snow, seems to deter them. 不管天气有多恶劣,哪怕是冰雹、大风、雨还是雪,似乎都阻止不了他们。

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