
文旅中国 2024-07-03 17:29:04


The best way to cool down in the summer is a piece of icy watermelon or a glass of iced cola? For Hainan locals, a bowl of Qingbuliang (a type of sweet cold soup) is enough to sweep away the heat and bring back comfort.


Walking in the streets during summer, you could easily sweat profusely, but you can walk into any shop with the sign "Qingbuliang". Order a bowl of their signature Qingbuliang, and watch as the owner scoops prepared mung beans, barley, lily bulbs, tremella, small pieces of watermelon, pineapple, coconut meat, etc., into a bowl, then pours cold syrup or a spoonful of crushed ice over it. A bowl of happiness water is ready.


Taking a spoonful into your mouth, the sweetness of the fruit combined with the delicate texture of the tremella brings a cooling and refreshing sensation, filling you with a sense of happiness.


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