
中书国画 2024-07-16 17:01:39


Master Jia Youfu, an eminent figure in the world of painting, has mastered the art of "quiet observation." Born in the year of Xin Si in Su County, he studied under renowned masters such as Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Ye Qianyu, Zong Qixiang, and He Haixia. His landscape paintings are divided into two categories: those that express poetic sentiments and those that convey philosophical thoughts. Jia's "quiet observation" involves not just visual perception but also deep mental contemplation. His art integrates feelings and insights, embodying the principles of Zhou Dunyi's "movement culminates in stillness, and stillness culminates in movement," and the spirit of exploring the past to understand the present, achieving wisdom and enlightenment through keen observation.


Jia Youfu has inherited the tradition of Chinese landscape poetry. His depictions of the Taihang Mountains are imbued with poetic inspiration, flavor, style, and ambiance. He often transforms scenery into emotions, blending the subjective and the objective, creating a poetic purity in landscape painting. In the mid-period of the year of Yi Chou, Jia began exploring philosophical landscape painting, transforming mental images into philosophical expressions, creating new realms, and reshaping nature. His second nature forms and compositions portray the vastness of mountains, the marvels of heaven and earth, the operation of grand natural forces, and the spirit of the cosmos, revealing the beauty of originality, simplicity, grandeur, vastness, natural harmony, tragic magnificence, and sublimity, profoundly impacting, inspiring, transcending, elevating, and purifying the viewer's soul.


Jia's quiet observation is a process of spiritual elevation and a state of harmonious existence. He transcends time and space freely, engaging in continuous observation day and night, indoors and outdoors, always attaining enlightenment. As Shao Yong said, "One who knows that all things are within oneself can establish the foundation of the three talents." Jia observes all things, encompassing both nature and society, thus his quiet observation is endless, beginning from the initial observation and continuing without interruption.


Jia's artistic creation has gone through phases of "realistic depiction" and "imaginative construction." "Realistic depiction" involves truthful portrayal, similar to painting from life, aiming to reproduce what is seen; "imaginative construction" transcends realistic reproduction, using mental imagery to freely construct the subject, aiming to express the inner realm. These two phases complement and integrate each other. The creative mindset of "imaginative construction" is highly free, unconstrained by real-world objects. Artists use the natural images stored in their minds, combining and reconstructing them according to aesthetic principles, transforming mental images into artistic realms and creating philosophical compositions. Jia's representative works such as "The Great Sound is Rarely Heard," "Heaven and Earth Eternally," and "The Universe in Motion" embody the concept of the Dao and the consciousness of the cosmic flow, depicting the eternal nature of time and space and revealing the inexhaustible great life of the natural way.


Jia's works are marked by innovative ideas, refined language, and profound realms. He excels in using ancient methods while transforming them, inheriting tradition while surpassing it, learning from his master Li Keran's spirit of innovation, yet distancing himself from Li's creative style. His successful works break through prevailing creative concepts and outdated landscape painting modes. Under his brush, mountains appear as vast as the sea; stone mountains under certain light resemble an expanse of ocean waves, merging reality and illusion. Utilizing the mysterious creative power of imagination and illusion, he borrows the momentum, energy, and form of one object to convey the spirit, shape, and emotion of another, enriching and enlivening his paintings with a fantastical beauty.


Jia's landscape paintings convey philosophical spirit, not naturalistic scenes, but conforming to the laws of nature and beauty. Using a unique formal language of landscape painting, he expresses modern philosophical ideas and aesthetic considerations. His landscape paintings, achieving new heights in both poetic and philosophical realms, have opened a new spiritual oasis in the aesthetic domain.Jia's landscapes seem like landscapes, yet they are not; upon further viewing, they become landscapes again. They embody the insights of Zen Buddhism and the beauty of modern abstract art, transcending technique, form, and brushwork, reaching a divine and natural beauty.


Critics may say: the paintings do not resemble landscapes, the compositions are not typical of landscapes, the mountain contours are unclear, and the coloring is deep but lacks agility. Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, landscape painting has not been about physical landscapes but about the spiritual world constructed by literati. Late works of Huang Binhong exemplify using the small to view the large, extending beyond brush and ink to reach the ultimate in spiritual expression.


abstract art, using bold reds and blacks for strong visual impact, yet retaining the spirit of Chinese literati landscapes. Following nature to attain the essence, his brushwork encompasses the grandeur of Song and Yuan landscapes and the brush interest of Yuan painters. He extends Li Keran's externalization of nature to internalization, with color impacts like a storm, while fine details are lively, resembling a gentle breeze after the storm, warm and poetic.


In different phases, Jia has explored various aesthetics, breaking and recombining space, with a spirit of deconstruction despite not being abstract like Cubism. The grandeur and coldness of the Taihang Mountains, the symbolic figures, the integration of cattle and sheep, all bring life to his work. Against the background of grand color blocks, a spiritual cleansing occurs, harmonizing the picture, filled with divine power. Jia returns to the mountains, perceiving the realm of the "true self."



Critics may argue: the compositions are repetitive, the meanings obscure, and where is the traditional spirit of landscape painting? Opinions vary, but in my view, the essence lies within. By breaking traditional composition, reconstructing landscapes and figures, freely integrating elements, one should not measure by traditional standards but simply experience the impact of beauty and the purification of the soul—this suffices.

Through quiet observation, Jia achieves spiritual elevation, reaching the state of "following the heart's desires without overstepping the bounds." His art promotes noble spirit, cultivates character, guides people to abandon evil and embrace good, benefiting society. His works, both in form and spirit, shine brightly and endure forever.


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