
中书国画 2024-08-06 16:28:58


Fang Zengxian, born in the year of Xinwei in Xitangxia, Pujiang, Zhejiang (now part of Lanxi), is a representative of realist figure painting in the latter half of the 20th century. He is the founder and promoter of the "New Zhejiang School" figure painting.






In the latter half of the 20th century, Fang held a significant position in Chinese figure painting, especially within the realist school, exerting far-reaching influence. As the founder of the New Zhejiang School, his artistic journey reflected the transformation and innovation of Chinese artists since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the year of Jichou, with the establishment of New China, society underwent great changes, and so did the art world. The traditional Chinese painting needed urgent reform to meet the new era's demands, breaking old norms and creating new content and forms to serve socialist construction, making it the core task of art reform in the 1950s. Fang Zengxian rose to prominence during this critical time.

In the year of Yiwei, the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts reestablished the Chinese Painting Department, and Fang transitioned from oil painting to Chinese painting. This shift laid the foundation for his innovation in figure painting. During this crucial period, Fang made good use of the academy's resources, absorbing the essence of both Chinese and Western art. With wisdom and diligence, he integrated Western structural sketching with the essence of Chinese ink painting, especially the tradition of freehand flower-and-bird painting, creating a new method of figure painting.

Fang Zengxian achieved great success in figure modeling, successfully merging traditional ink with contemporary themes, opening a new chapter in the modernization of Chinese painting. This method solved many challenges in figure modeling, marking a new chapter in art history. Fang's exploration showed a unique perspective, inheriting the essence of ancient art while infusing new era spirit, revitalizing figure painting.

Fang's figure painting is based on "linear anatomical sketching," incorporating methods from French chiaroscuro, Soviet Chekhov's sectional drawing, and American Bridgman's structural approach, ultimately focusing on line structure and block expression. He integrated the artistic essence of various countries, realizing Pan Tianshou's principle of line dominance, reforming Western sketching methods, and meeting the needs of Chinese painting.

This method is simple and quickly became popular among students, receiving significant attention from the academy. It spread throughout Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and subsequently influenced art schools nationwide, becoming a foundational course in figure painting education. Fang Zengxian's contributions to the modernization of figure painting truly establish him as a founder and leader of the New Zhejiang School.







In the 1950s, "Every Grain of Rice is Hard Earned"; in the 1960s, "Reading Red Books"; in the 1970s, "Sunny Days" are all exemplary works of Fang Zengxian's realist figure paintings and epitomes of the Zhejiang realist figure painting school. These works areics of the era, rich in artistic, historical, political, and social values, symbolizing indelible memories of the past, prompting reflection on bygone days and grounding in the present.

In the late 1970s, with the end of the Cultural Revolution, Chinese literature and art ushered in a new spring. The end of the ultra-left artistic line reopened the door to fundamental artistic thinking. Discussions on "content and form" and "formal beauty" became focal points. Artists broke free from shackles, exploring the beauty of human nature and expressing sincere emotions. Fang Zengxian, with great enthusiasm, engaged in creation, compensating for his deficiencies in traditional painting techniques, and traveled extensively to the Tibetan areas of Qinghai for sketching.

In the year of Jiazi, Fang created his first significant work after the Cultural Revolution, "Laughter in the Tent," marking a new stage in his artistic exploration. In the 1980s, Chinese cultural thought was active, with external windows opening, and Western modern art theories, schools, and trends flowing in. Artists broadened their horizons, experimenting with modernist concepts and techniques, seeking free expression, and Chinese art presented an unprecedented pluralistic pattern.




In the new era, realist figure painting no longer held exclusive dominance but became part of a diverse artistic landscape. With the weakening of political influence, the challenge for figure painters was how to forge new paths that bore the characteristics of the times and personalized language. Under the dual drive of changing times and personal pursuit, Fang Zengxian actively explored, seeking new possibilities for the modernization of ink figure painting.

Fang Zengxian diligently sought between East and West, ancient and modern. Drawing inspiration from Western modern art, he integrated it with ink figure painting, incorporating composition and deformation. He studied folk art, traced history, and sought the support of traditional brushwork and spiritual essence. Repeatedly pondering the brushwork of literati painting, he fused it into his works, producing countless drafts and sketches over ten years, refining his own language and seeking a personal style and ink language to express his emotions and spirit.

From Qinghai sketches to ancient poetic paintings and white-drawing figures, followed by explorations of ink accumulation and calligraphic lines, Fang Zengxian advanced with the times, challenging and surpassing himself. The ink accumulation method, a crucial technique in Song dynasty landscape painting, inspired Fang, who introduced it into figure painting to enhance the sense of weight and texture, immediately putting it into practice.




In the 1980s, Fang experimented with ink accumulation in ancient-themed and Tibetan-themed figure paintings, initially applying it to clothing and not yet to faces. After the year of Xinsi, he used the ink accumulation method on faces, hands, and muscles, enhancing the overall sense and form, unrestricted by Western light sources, dominated by the ink's black-and-white relationship, making the figures lively. The ink accumulation method revealed the texture of clothing, giving the painting a unique form, heavy and somber, reflecting the years' vicissitudes and showing care for farmers and herdsmen. This method became a crucial technique in Fang's figure painting. Works like "Huaisu Writing on Banana Leaves," "Drinking Dance," "Dream," and "Buddhist Beads" marked the initial success of this technique. "Echo of the Mountain," "Idle Watching Passersby," and "Hometown Bench Dragon" exemplified the mature use of ink accumulation, achieving mastery.

Fang Zengxian's artistic journey, marked by the success of the ink accumulation method, entered a new realm. His solid modeling, thick ink accumulation, crisp calligraphic lines, and creative concepts combined to form a unique ink figure painting style, absorbing the essence of ancient and modern, East and West, creating his own artistic world. Observing his recent works, the freedom in subject matter, content, and technique is evident. They embody both the elegance of literati and the reality of herdsmen and villagers' lives. The varying shades of ink, the complexity and simplicity of lines, the balance of ink and line, the ratio of detail to freehand, the plain and extraordinary composition, and the dynamic and static qi all have their emphases, making the figures lively and varied, with excellent spirit and charm.

Realism forms the foundation, yet the richness in the forms of his paintings demonstrates limitless imagination. By capturing the spirit through form, unbound by likeness, he strives to capture the essence and charm, pursuing meaning beyond the painting and words, making this pursuit particularly prominent. Fang said, "Though my body weakens, I try to integrate calligraphy into painting, hoping to enhance the 'intention' in freehand painting through brush and ink. The 'intention' in Chinese painting is an emotion expressed through brush and ink. In Western modern art, if the formal language expresses true intention, it also lies within the realm of emotion." This statement clarifies the relationship between form and intention, revealing the true essence of creation.


Fang Zengxian believes that artistic originality lies in the artist's perception of the universe and life, in the feeling of things and the expression of emotions and thoughts. This perception and expression run through his life, evident in every work. Through exploration and innovation, he has stepped into a realm of freedom. Each brushstroke and line narrates his understanding of life and relentless pursuit of art.In December 2019, Fang Zengxian passed away.


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