
Leo张大志 2024-04-19 06:46:30


学而时习之,不亦说乎?中文:学习后及时复习,不是很愉快吗?英文:Isn't it pleasant to learn and timely review what has been learned?

知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。中文:知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,这才是真正的智慧。英文:To know what you know and to know what you don't know, that is true wisdom.

温故而知新,可以为师矣。中文:通过温习旧知识,能够领悟新知识,这样的人就可以做老师了。英文:By reviewing the old, one can understand the new; such a person is qualified to be a teacher.

三人行,必有我师焉。中文:三人同行,其中必定有我的老师。英文:Among any three people walking together, there must be one who can teach me something.

吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?中文:我每天多次反省自己:为别人办事是否尽心尽力?与朋友交往是否以诚相待?对老师传授的学业是否已经温习?英文:I reflect on myself several times a day: Have I been loyal in my dealings with others? Have I been trustworthy in my friendships? Have I reviewed what I have learned from my teachers?

敏而好学,不耻下问。中文:天资聪明而又好学的人,不以向地位比自己低、学识比自己差的人请教为耻。英文:The wise and diligent learner is not ashamed to ask questions even from those who are socially or intellectually beneath him.

默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦。中文:默默记住所见所闻,努力学习从不满足,教导别人而不知疲倦。英文:Silently memorize what you have seen and heard, never tire of learning, and never weary of instructing others.

学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。中文:只学习不思考就会迷惘,只思考不学习就会精神疲倦而无所得。英文:Learning without reflection leads to confusion; reflection without learning leads to exhaustion and no gain.

知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。中文:对于知识或者技能,仅仅知道它不如真正喜欢它,真正喜欢它不如以它为乐。英文:To merely know something is not as good as truly liking it, and to truly like it is not as good as finding joy in it.

君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。中文:君子心胸开阔,小人经常忧愁。英文:The virtuous man is open and frank; the petty man is constantly anxious and worried.

志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。中文:真正的志士仁人,不会因为贪生怕死而损害仁德,而是勇于牺牲生命来维护仁德。英文:The righteous and benevolent person will not seek to preserve his life at the expense of virtue; he is willing to sacrifice his life to uphold virtue.

子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。”中文:孔子站在河边说:“消逝的时光就像这河水一样啊!日夜不停地流去。”英文:Confucius stood by the river and said, "The passing of time is just like this river, flowing ceaselessly day and night."

不患人之不己知,患不知人也。中文:不要担心别人不了解自己,应该担心的是自己不了解别人。英文:Do not worry about others not understanding you; worry about not understanding others.

君子喻于义,小人喻于利。中文:君子看重的是道义,小人看重的是利益。英文:The virtuous man understands righteousness; the petty man understands profit.

德不孤,必有邻。中文:有道德的人是不会孤单的,一定会有志同道合的人来和他相伴。英文:Virtue is not alone; it always has companions.

发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至。中文:发愤用功,连吃饭都忘了,快乐得把一切忧虑都忘了,连自己快要老了都不知道。英文:When striving diligently, one forgets to eat; when joyful, one forgets all worries, even forgetting that old age is approaching.

以约失之者鲜矣。中文:因为约束自己而犯错误的人是很少的。英文:Those who err because they restrain themselves are few.

恭而无礼则劳,慎而无礼则葸,勇而无礼则乱,直而无礼则绞。中文:恭敬而不符合礼就会烦扰不安,谨慎而不符合礼就会畏缩拘谨,勇敢而不符合礼就会违法作乱,直率而不符合礼就会尖刻伤人。英文:If one is respectful but lacks propriety, he will be troubled; if one is cautious but lacks propriety, he will be timid; if one is brave but lacks propriety, he will cause chaos; if one is straightforward but lacks propriety, he will be harsh and hurtful.

不迁怒,不贰过。中文:不把自己的怒气迁移到别人的身上,不重复犯同样的过错。英文:Do not transfer your anger to others, and do not repeat the same mistake.

出门如见大宾,使民如承大祭。中文:出门办事如同去接待贵宾,使唤百姓如同去进行重大的祭祀。英文:When going out to handle affairs, one should behave as if receiving an honored guest; when using the people, one should act as if conducting a grand sacrifice.


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