
新湖南 2024-08-25 03:40:52


Luckin Coffee, China's largest coffee brand by store number, is planning a massive expansion in the fourth quarter of this year and the first quarter of 2025, to fuel its next phase of growth amid intense competition in the domestic market, according to a media report.媒体报道称,中国最大咖啡品牌、在国内门店总数最多的瑞幸咖啡计划于2024年四季度至2025年一季度期间启动大规模出海计划,在国内市场竞争激烈的环境下寻求新的增长点。

Latepost, a unit of Caijing Magazine, reported that Luckin is planning to expand overseas with focus on Southeast Asia and the United States. 据财经杂志晚点团队报道,瑞幸咖啡计划海外扩张,重点考虑东南亚和美国市场。

Luckin runs over 20,000 stores in China, with its operations covering both online and offline channels.瑞幸咖啡在中国门店已突破2万家,采用线上线下一体化运营模式。

There are 38 directly run Luckin stores in Singapore, with the first one having opened in April 2023. Unlike in China, Luckin does not prioritize its low-price approach in Singapore.2023年4月,瑞幸在新加坡开出海外首店,目前在新加坡有38家直营门店。与在国内不同,瑞幸在新加坡没有采用价格战策略。

The company views the Singapore market as a testing ground for its overseas operations and business model development. Latepost reported that over the next three to five years, the coffee chain aims to expand its operations in neighboring regions, with Singapore serving as the headquarters for its operations in Southeast Asia.瑞幸将新加坡视作打响海外知名度和商业模式的试验田。据晚点团队报道,未来3-5年,瑞幸计划以新加坡为东南亚总部,逐步向周边国家和地区市场扩展。

In the first half of this year, Luckin started discussions with BJ Food, the franchiser of Starbucks in Malaysia, to form a joint venture for entry into the Malaysian market.今年上半年,瑞幸开始与星巴克在马来西亚的代运营商成功食品洽谈,探讨以合资形式开设新公司进入马来西亚。

A strong supply chain has helped Luckin to cut costs. Since 2019, the company has built two roasteries with another one under construction.强大的供应链帮助瑞幸降低了成本。自2019年以来,瑞幸已经建成两家烘焙加工厂并投入生产,还有一家工厂正在建设中。

In June, Luckin announced plans to buy about 120,000 metric tons of coffee beans from Brazil from 2024 to 2025. Brazil is currently one of the most cost-effective coffee bean producing regions in the world. In 2022, Luckin signed a three-year agreement to buy about 45,000 tons of coffee beans from Brazil.今年6月,瑞幸对外宣布,计划于2024年-2025年向巴西相关咖啡产区采购总量约12万吨的咖啡豆,巴西目前是全球最具性价比的咖啡豆产区之一。此前,瑞幸曾于2022年签下在巴西三年采购总量约4.5万吨咖啡豆的计划。

In the domestic market, Luckin has sought growth by expanding into tea-based beverages, rolling out new products like the light jasmine tea, a runaway hit that sold 11 million cups in its first week.在国内市场,瑞幸通过推出“轻轻茉莉”等新产品向茶饮市场进军,这款热门新品首周销量突破了1100万杯。

The move is aimed to attract tea-drinking consumers during afternoons that are seen to have significant growth potential for coffee shops.此举意在抢占对咖啡店而言具有巨大增长潜力的下午茶市场。

Chinese tea brands Chagee and Heytea have opened pop-up stores in Paris during the 2024 Olympic Games. In March, Chagee launched its first drive-through store in Malaysia. Heytea began global expansion in 2018 and now has nearly 30 stores abroad.在2024年奥运会期间,中国茶饮品牌霸王茶姬和喜茶将快闪店开到了法国巴黎。今年3月,霸王茶姬在马来西亚首家“车进车出”门店开张。喜茶于2018年开始向海外扩张,如今在海外拥有近30家门店。

As of June, ChaPanda had eight stores in South Korea, Thailand and Australia. Tianlala has set its sights on Indonesia and aims to open 300 stores. Mixue Bingcheng, a beverage chain, operates more than 4,000 stores overseas.截至今年6月,茶百道在韩国、泰国和澳大利亚已拥有8家海外门店。茶饮品牌甜啦啦计划在印尼开设300家门店。饮料连锁品牌蜜雪冰城在海外门店已超过4000家。

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