
富甲北京 2024-08-14 11:09:35

全新的Cosmocité科学中心由法国事务所ARCANE Architectes与加拿大建筑师Cardin Julien联合设计,该中心坐落于Pont-de-Claix, Isère的Villancourt大磨坊的遗址场地上。 该建筑大胆的设计由建筑师Jean-Yves Guibourdenche和Jean-François Julien构思,完美体现了CREO与La Casemate和科学界密切合作下的博物馆概念。

The architectural consortium comprised of ARCANE Architectes (France) and Cardin Julien (Canada) is delighted to unveil the new Centre de sciences Cosmocité, built on the Grands Moulins de Villancourt heritage site in Pont-de-Claix, Isère (France). The building’s bold design, conceived by architects Jean-Yves Guibourdenche and Jean-François Julien, is in line with the museum concept developed by scenographer CREO, in close collaboration with La Casemate and the scientific community.

▼项目概览,overall of the project© Nicolas Trouillard


Cosmocité aims to preserve the industrial memory of the Grands Moulins de Villancourt site, which was an important part of the industrial and human heritage of the urban agglomeration and the municipalities of Echirolles and Pont-de-Claix in the 19th and 20th centuries. With its location at the municipality’s northern entrance, Cosmocité is the cultural cornerstone of Ville de Pont-de-Claix’s urban renewal.

▼主入口立面,facade of the main entrance© Nicolas Trouillard

委任The commission

场地中的建筑由于无法继续使用,因而被全部拆除,而其建筑的精确布局却被保留了下来,并在本项目中得到了延续。重新组合于一起的建筑体量,将该地区的工业历史与象征当代科学焦点的黑色体量联系起来。半透明、光滑的白色体块容纳了通道和相关空间,而哑光且封闭的黑色体块则容纳了所有致力于传播科学内容的空间,包括:天文馆、沉浸式体验馆,以及永久展厅。庞大的黑色体量象征了宇宙的伟大奥秘和人类在宇宙中的位置,黑暗且神秘的品质邀请着旁观者去探索宇宙的奥秘,并反思宇宙的无限广阔。在室内,横向与纵向的走廊沐浴在自然光中,并保证了室内看向周围景观的视野。体量的设计反映了建筑的功能,并有助于表达场地中所蕴含的精神 —— 科学是欢迎且开放的。

Taking up the exact placement layout of the demolished building, which could not be reused, the architects created an assemblage of volumes that link the region’s industrial past, embodied by the white volume, with the contemporary scientific focus of the new institution embodied by the black volume. The translucent, glossy white volume houses the passageways and related spaces, while the matte and opaque black volume houses all spaces dedicated to the dissemination of scientific content: the planetarium, immersion room, and permanent exhibition hall. Recalling the universe’s great mysteries and humankind’s place in the cosmos, the black volume’s monolithic, dark, and mysterious quality invites onlookers to fathom its scale, and to reflect on its infinite expanse. Inside, the vertical and horizontal corridors are bathed in natural light, and offer views of the surrounding landscape. The volumetric design reflects the building’s function and contributes to the site’s global message: science that’s welcoming and open to all.

▼面向花园的背立面,rear facade facing the garden© Nicolas Trouillard

功能The program

Cosmocité科学中心容纳了:– 设有80个座位的天文馆,并配备有观星模拟器,旨在为学校和家庭观众教授并普及天文学和空间科学。– 以“地球”和“宇宙”为主题的永久展览路线,包括身临其境的3D房间,以及可互动地板和墙壁屏幕-14米高的傅科摆装置-可变活动空间:儿童/青少年观众区和模块化房间-俯瞰格勒诺布尔盆地及其周围山脉的屋顶露台-该设施每年可接待约57,000名游客,其中包括20,000名学生。

Cosmocité houses:– An 80-seat planetarium, equipped with a stargazing simulator. The role of a planetarium is to teach and popularize astronomy and space science for both school and family audiences.– A permanent tour based on two themes: “EARTH” and “COSMOS”. An immersive 3D room, with interactive floor and wall screens– A 14-metre-high Foucault pendulum– A variable activity space: children/youth audience area and a modular room– Additional facilities: reception, services, administration, and logistics– A roof terrace overlooking the Grenoble basin and its surrounding mountains– The facility is designed to welcome around 57,000 visitors per year, including 20,000 school children.

▼外观细部,details of exterior© Nicolas Trouillard

天文馆The planetarium


Circular and inclined at 10°, the space can be accessed via a vision adaptation waiting area and an acoustic airlock. With a capacity of 80, including 4 for people with reduced mobility, it is equipped with reclining seats, providing a 360° view of a semi-spherical screen, 13 meters in diameter. It is lined with a circular technical gallery and a data centre.

▼天文馆,the planetarium© Nicolas Trouillard

▼互动墙面与地面,interactive wall and floor© Nicolas Trouillard

常设展览The permanent exhibition


The architectural team called on the Montreal-based digital studio CREO to create the Cosmocité scenography. To meet the numerous requirements of this ambitious project, CREO put together a multidisciplinary design team, who worked in close collaboration with the project’s Grenoble-based scientific committee, as well as with Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle de Grenoble.

▼入口夜景,night view the entrance© Nicolas Trouillard


Cosmocité’s highly interactive exhibition is designed to answer fundamental questions such as: Is the Earth unique? Is it possible to predict everything? Spread over two floors, it covers everything from the birth of stars to the causes of earthquakes. In addition, a 14-metre-high Foucault pendulum spans the building to demonstrate the Earth’s rotation.

▼常设展览,the permanent exhibition© Nicolas Trouillard

生物气候设计A bioclimatic design


The building has been designed to balance the space of the west-facing garden with that of the eastern forecourt. The hall and staircase are glazed to capture free energy from the sun, and to encourage the public to use the staircase to climb to the upper floors. However, this solar energy is controlled by screen-printed glass to prevent overheating. To the west, the building opens onto the garden and the Vercors landscape, while the cantilevered planetarium hall shelters it from the summer sun.

▼大厅,the entrance hall© Nicolas Trouillard

室内特征Interior characteristics


The acoustic comfort has been carefully studied to avoid any sound transfer between spaces, as well as towards and from outside areas.Summer thermal comfort is ensured by:– A heat inert cement structure;– Efficient solar protection: 50% screen-printed glass on the east facade, sunbreaker structures on the west facade, and external solar shading;– Openings for natural ventilation;– Air quality is ensured by a double-flow system, with adapted flow rates and filters.

▼纪念品商店,souvenir shop© Nicolas Trouillard

能源优化Energy optimization


Energy efficiency is primarily about reducing the building’s thermal requirements, which is made possible via a compact construction and a high-performance envelope. The building’s main structure is in reinforced concrete, which is insulated from the outside to eliminate thermal bridges and the associated risk of condensation, and to benefit from an inertia conducive to summer comfort. The building envelope’s performance has been designed to be well below the French regulatory threshold in terms of energy requirements. Heating is provided by way of a district heating system, and cooling by way of heat pumps.

▼傅科摆与空间细部,the Foucault pendulum and spatial details© Nicolas Trouillard



To the east of the building, overlooking Cours Saint-André, an urban stone forecourt accommodates the varying flow of visitors drawn to this site and its activities. To the west, a garden and its outdoor amphithéâtre form a buffer zone between the parking lots and the Centre de sciences. To the south, a conserved hundred-year-old cedar tree serves as a reminder of the city’s continuing renewal.

▼沿街视角,street view© Nicolas Trouillard

▼花园,garden© Nicolas Trouillard

▼屋顶露台,rooftop terrace© Nicolas Trouillard

▼总平面图,master plan© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

▼二层平面图,first floor plan© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

▼三层平面图,second floor plan© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

▼花园层平面图,garden level plan© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

▼剖面图,sections© ARCANE Architectes and Cardin Julien

Technical sheet

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