
艺术视界 2024-08-27 17:25:12

Xiao Jinzhong (1937-2023), a painter at the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, a national first-class artist, and a member of the China Artists Association. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in his early years. The work has been exhibited in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Canada, the United Nations, Southeast Asia, Europe, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and has won 17 awards in major international and domestic exhibitions. It is collected by museums and collectors at home and abroad, such as the National Art Museum of China. Main works: "Listening to the Waves," "Morning Light," and "Clear Dreams" were selected for the 6th, 7th, and 8th National Art Exhibitions, respectively. "Listening to the Waves" won a bronze medal and was included in the compilation of "New Hundred Chinese Painting Masters," "Morning Light" was included in the large-scale album "Contemporary Chinese Painting 1979-1989," "Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain" was included in the "Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art," "Silent Drizzle," won the first prize in the Beijing Municipal Literature and Art Collection Award, "After Dusk," won the silver award at the "Huaxia Art International Exhibition," was included in the compilation of "Appreciation of Contemporary Chinese Famous Paintings," "Autumn Rhyme," was rated as an excellent work at the "Beceto" Art Festival in China, Japan, and South Korea, and was included in the compilation of "Selected Works of Chinese Art" (Moon "," Dreamland "," Twilight Snow "," Yi Anlai Ye "and so on. Biography has been included in the compilation of "Celebrity List of Contemporary Chinese Art", "Celebrity Grand View of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", Cambridge "World Celebrity List", and the large-scale art series dictionary "Art Ci Lin · Chinese Painting Volume". The painting style is concise, emphasizing artistic conception and grid charm, and enjoys exploring series of patterns. Published the "Xiao Jinzhong Painting Collection".

Shao Dazhen comments on Xiao Jinzhong's works

Xiao Jinzhong's paintings are very emotional, romantic, and abstract, with less than more, cranes, frogs, squirrels... The forms are vivid, not for fun but for amusement, not for cleverness but for cleverness. His colors are also subtle, and the images are light and hazy, full of poetry and charm, very distinctive, wonderful, and prominent.

November 21, 2023

Xiao Jinzhong: Artistic conception, style, emotion


Whether it's the beauty of spring and snow, or the people of Xialiba, pure art can always inadvertently touch the viewer's heart and warm their soul. It is precisely because of purity that works appear clean and dust-free. It is also because of purity that artists do not cater to others' likes and dislikes, nor do they pursue fame and fortune. That purity can make artists' minds fast and forget, and also allow their spirit to travel between heaven and earth. Xiao Jinzhong is a pure artist.

On February 18, 2023, Xiao Jinzhong, a first-class artist at the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, passed away in Beijing due to illness at the age of 87.

The endpoint has been set, and the future is infinite. The end of Xiao Jinzhong's life has arrived, but his artistic style has become increasingly clear with the passage of time. The fleeting emotions, ethereal and peaceful style, and desolate and lonely mood are constantly talked about, vividly and vividly, with lingering echoes. The collection market is also surging with hidden currents and whispers.

Xiao Jinzhong was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1960 and studied painting under the guidance of renowned teachers such as Dong Xiwen, Wang Shikou, and Ai Zhongxin. After graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1964, he was assigned to the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts to engage in professional painting.

Xiao Jinzhong's work 'Autumn Wind and Rain' has been collected by the National Art Museum of China and included in the 'Complete Collection of Modern Chinese Art'; Listening to the Waves "was selected for the" 6th National Art Exhibition "and was rated as an excellent work, winning a bronze award; Morning Light "was selected for the 7th National Art Exhibition and awarded as an excellent work. It was included in the large-scale album" Contemporary Chinese Painting "and was selected to participate in the" International Peace Year Art Exhibition "at the United Nations in 1986; In 1985, participated in the "International Exchange Exhibition" held in Tokyo, Japan; In 1989, participated in the Nordic "Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition", and in the same year, "Silent Rain" won the first prize in the Beijing Literature and Art Works Awards; In 1994, "After Dusk" won the silver award at the "Huaxia Art International Exhibition" and was included in the compilation of "Appreciation of Contemporary Chinese Famous Paintings"; In 1997, "Moon Misty" won the Excellent Works Award at the China Japan Korea Art Festival. There are also representative works such as "Moon Reflection", "Autumn Rhyme", "Dreamland", "Twilight Snow", "Yi Anlai Ye", etc.

Xiao Jinzhong has also participated in exhibitions in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and other places. He has won 17 awards in international and domestic exhibitions, and his works have been collected by numerous Chinese and foreign art institutions.

Xiao Jinzhong was engaged in oil painting creation in his early years. His oil paintings absorbed the expression techniques of Westernicism and romanticism, as well as the expression methods of realism and impressionism. Xiao Jinzhong's oil paintings feature David's precise modeling and rigorous composition, Delacroix's rich imagination and surging tension, the harmonious and intense collision of Turner's mature period, and the subtle fusion of Monet colors and light. However, Xiao Jinzhong's oil paintings are not limited to this, but use a combination of concrete and abstract expression techniques between Western oil painting and Eastern charm. Through the high unity of points, lines, and surfaces, various elements such as form, light, color, and lines are interwoven into a harmonious melody, creating his own style of Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese aesthetic spirit, which is different from the expression language of a certain Western school and interprets the Eastern aesthetic orientation and cultural connotation.

During his studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Xiao Jinzhong received systematic and rigorous training in new era artistic expression languages such as light and shadow, color, and form, laying a solid foundation. Therefore, in the process of creating Chinese paintings, Xiao Jinzhong's brushwork and color usage appeared very free and light. Later, in the practice of oil painting and Chinese painting complementing each other, Xiao Jinzhong worked day and night, blending Chinese and Western techniques, presenting skilled artistic expression. Color, light and shadow, form and other oil painting expression elements were all presented in his Chinese brush path, and each element was perfectly matched, each with its own beauty. Especially adept at the use of color. Xiao Jinzhong is extremely sensitive to colors. He often expresses his subjective emotions through emotional colors, which are peaceful, harmonious, warm, and romantic. Each element of expression carries emotions, and the conversion of color tone, color temperature, and color difference also carries unique human charm. The soul is integrated into the picture, and the picture is written in a form that is clear and pure, transcendent and timeless, like a graceful poem.

Xiao Jinzhong's works include reeds in the dim morning light, wild ducks in the sunset pavilion, peaceful and leisurely frogs, and exquisite and well behaved squirrels. The subtleties are like but not like, not like but extremely similar, taking the bone and charm of objects, as well as the god of objects; The vastness of the place, the ingenuity of the framing, "vastness" surpasses the elephant, while "subtlety" comes from within the world. When the "exquisite" and "vast" gods meet and manifest, emotions and techniques also enter the spiritual realm of realizing the divine power between "having the law but not being able to, having oneself but not being oneself". That is a relaxed state, that is also a free and unrestrained state of mind. That state of mind originates from a sensitive heart and a keen discovery. That state of mind is tender, warm, and emotional, making people reminisce and daydream.

In Xiao Jinzhong's painting of a corner of a pond, one can hear tranquility, because it is not a strong and intense surge, nor is it a reckless and majestic momentum, but rather the chest meaning of "if the stars and men shine brightly, if the sun and moon travel, if they come out of it". Tranquil, inclusive, mysterious, and profound are all in the calm heart, quietly surging, and also in the great road, arising from some kind of holy revelation.

The scenes depicting reeds, wild ducks, frogs, squirrels, and other themes in Xiao Jinzhong's paintings are often accidental experiences. Perhaps it is this natural coincidence that leads to the elevation of one's spirit and the expression of one's innermost feelings. With a subconscious aesthetic instinct, it transcends the visual perception of reality. The gentle brushstrokes and subtle colors blend emotions and scenery together, silent yet not extinguished, empty yet not empty, simple yet distant, light yet flavorful. The ethereal spirit lingers with the meaning, and the poetic meaning drifts away with the state of mind, peaceful, profound, transcendent, sacred... It is like listening to Zen, observing Taoism, different visuals and emotions, and the picture can always give viewers different lyrical rhymes. The rhyme is profound, moistening things silently, but filled with the tension of a warm heart.

Painting is a visual art and an unregulated personal behavior. Some people enjoy Qi Baishi's natural charm; Some people like Wu Changshuo's exuberance; Some people love the non dark Gongbi Yeyi alone. Even when facing the same work, each audience will have different interpretations and inner touches. However, regardless of which art form the audience likes, the basic elements of formal beauty must be advanced. Otherwise, the artist can only speak for themselves, and the audience will be confused and at a loss.

Xiao Jinzhong's works are appreciated, appreciated, and readable, subtle yet sophisticated. When I first saw Xiao Jinzhong's works, I couldn't help but feel them in my heart, even though his works were not as exquisite as Cui Bai's; Without the movements of Lin Liang and Lv Ji; Without the recklessness of Chen Chun and Xu Wei, even without the wealth and prosperity of Huang Quan or the wildness of Xu Xi, the works of Xiao Jinzhong always carry a sense of tranquility, with a serene and impressionistic style, but with an added calmness, a literati mentality, and even a profound and elusive meaning. And that profound meaning seems to be graceful, which is not the melancholy of Liu Yong's "thousands of styles, who to talk to", but the beauty of Qin Guan's "skillful manipulation of fine clouds, passing of hatred through flying stars, and the distant darkness of the silver man", and also the tenderness of Ouyang Xiu's man's "if we can find each other in our dreams, I wish for spring night and a night as far away as a year".

In that gentle and tranquil world, there is still a world that nurtures men. In that world, there is a pursuit of Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius, and Mencius, an understanding of poetry and songs, and a state of life based on Confucianism, influenced by Zen, and returning to the Tao. That flower is a bodhi, that corner is a world ", although the picture is simple, it is pure and full of meaning, and the realm is vast. The image does not require any postscript or further words, but its temperament and style stand out from the outside, directly pointing to the heart.

Some people say that excellent painters have a wonderful world in their hearts. Presumably, Xiao Jinzhong's heart is an open area, which is wonderful and rich. His richness and brilliance are reflected in the graceful charm, such as the corner of the pond in his paintings; It is also reflected in the peaceful and tranquil state of life, such as the solitary crane, wild duck, and squirrel in his works; More reflected in Gouchen's nostalgia for the past, such as the swaying reeds in his paintings.

However, whether it is flowers, streams, cute animals, or lonely birds, Xiao Jinzhong's paintings are all things in his eyes, but also things in his heart, the realm in his heart. He paints both human and personal objects. In his paintings, there is a profound understanding of nature's inner care, while outside his paintings, there is a spiritual expression that reflects the Tao and the emotional resonance of holding hands. The reeds, frogs, squirrels, wild ducks, solitary cranes, as well as the Buddhist view of things, the poetry of the breeze, the mood of the bright moon... The pen contains the essence of heaven and earth, and gathers the spirit of the sun and the moon. The meaning, the poem, the state, and the feeling permeate in the pen, sublimating the perception of life and the essence of art. As far as the viewer's eyes can see, their mind and spirit are clear, and a state of mind arises naturally, as if nurturing their heart and understanding the Tao, just like the painter.

September 12, 2023



书画艺术不仅是一种审美体验,更是一种文化传承。在这次展览中,我们不仅可以看到艺术家们的精湛技艺,还可以感受到他们对传统文化的深刻理解和创新发展的探索精神。通过这些作品,我们看到了一个古老而又充满活力的中国,看到了一代又一代中国人不懈追求梦想的身影。 在建国七十五周年之际,这场线上书画作品展不仅是对过去辉煌成就的回顾,更是对未来美好前景的展望。它激励着我们在新的征程上,继续发扬艰苦奋斗、勇于创新的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献自己的力量。

在历史的长河中,七十五年不过是弹指一挥间,但对于一个国家来说,却是风雨兼程、砥砺前行的光辉岁月。为迎接中华人民共和国成立七十五周年,歌颂党和祖国的伟大成就,展现全国各族人民凝聚新力量、筑梦新时代的奋进精神,“文艺新声”专题特举办以“翰墨颂祖国,筑梦新时代”为主题的线上书画作品展。 书画作为中华民族传统文化的瑰宝,承载了千百年来无数艺术家的心血与智慧。每一幅书画作品,都是一段历史的记忆,一种文化的传承,一份情感的寄托。在这次展览中,我们将看到全国各地的书画爱好者用他们的笔墨丹青,描绘出对祖国的深情厚谊和对未来的美好期许。

“翰墨颂祖国,筑梦新时代”线上书画作品展,是一场视觉与心灵的盛宴。它让我们在欣赏精美艺术品的同时,也深刻体会到祖国的繁荣昌盛和人民的幸福生活来之不易。让我们怀着感恩之心,珍惜当下,共同谱写新时代的华丽篇章。 愿这次展览能带给每一位观众美的享受和精神的洗礼,也希望更多的书画爱好者加入到我们的行列中来,用你们的才华和热情,为祖国的美好未来增添一抹亮丽的色彩。

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, sing praises to the great achievements of the Party and the motherland, and demonstrate the spirit of the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unite new forces and build a new era of dreams, an online exhibition of calligraphy and painting works with the theme of "Ode to the Motherland with Calligraphy and Ink, Building a New Era of Dreams" will be held under the theme of "New Voice of Literature and Art".

Calligraphy and painting, as treasures of traditional Chinese culture, carry the deep affection and wisdom of Chinese people for thousands of years, showcasing the cultural heritage and artistic charm of the country. Calligraphy conveys the cultural heritage with dignified and elegant brushstrokes, while painting outlines people's inner passion and emotions with rich and colorful colors. This exhibition will showcase the masterpieces of more than 60 teachers, covering traditional Chinese painting (characters, landscapes, flowers and birds, etc.), calligraphy, oil painting, intangible cultural heritage, and other types. The works will be painted in red and green, with the fragrance of calligraphy and ink. Each work carries the artists' love for the motherland and their yearning for a better life. With pen and ink, it outlines a historical picture of the people of the country who have been together for 75 years, moving forward hand in hand to create a new era.

Calligraphy and painting art is not only an aesthetic experience, but also a cultural heritage. In this exhibition, we can not only see the exquisite skills of the artists, but also feel their profound understanding of traditional culture and exploratory spirit of innovative development. Through these works, we can see an ancient and energetic China, and see the figure of generations of Chinese people unremittingly pursuing their dreams. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, this online exhibition of calligraphy and painting works is not only a review of past glorious achievements, but also a prospect for a bright future. It inspires us to continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work and innovation in the new journey, and contribute our own strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the long river of history, seventy-five years is just a blink of an eye, but for a country, it is a glorious time of wind and rain, forging ahead. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, sing praises to the great achievements of the Party and the motherland, and demonstrate the spirit of the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unite new forces and build a new era of dreams, the "New Voice of Literature and Art" special theme is holding an online calligraphy and painting exhibition with the theme of "Ode to the Motherland with Calligraphy and Ink, Building a New Era of Dreams". Calligraphy and painting, as treasures of traditional Chinese culture, carry the hard work and wisdom of countless artists for thousands of years. Every painting and calligraphy work is a memory of history, a cultural inheritance, and an emotional attachment. In this exhibition, we will see calligraphy and painting enthusiasts from all over the country using their brush and ink to depict their deep affection for the motherland and their beautiful expectations for the future.

The online exhibition of calligraphy and painting works titled 'Ode to the Motherland with Calligraphy and Ink, Building Dreams for a New Era' is a visual and spiritual feast. It allows us to appreciate exquisite artworks while also deeply realizing the hard won prosperity of our motherland and the happy life of the people. Let us cherish the present with a grateful heart, and together write a magnificent chapter of the new era. May this exhibition bring beauty and spiritual baptism to every audience, and we also hope that more calligraphy and painting enthusiasts will join us, using your talents and enthusiasm to add a bright color to the beautiful future of our country.


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Moonlight Misty》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Listening to the Waves》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《After Twilight》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Mountain Grapes》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Good Rain》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Dawn》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Coming out of Dust》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《The Young Phoenix》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Spring Dawn》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《The Flood and Wilderness》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Clear window》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Late Autumn Narration》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Autumn Sound》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Dream of Shock》


Xiao Jinzhong's Works 《Simultaneous Journey》 (Mood Series)


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Green Shade》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Facing the Wind》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《March》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Dreamland》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Long Road》


Xiao Jinzhong's Works 《Dreamland》 2


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Twilight Snow》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Summer Evening》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Reflecting the Moon》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Rural Rhyme》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Yangchun》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Afterglow》


Xiao Jinzhong's Works 《Autumn Sound》2


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain》


Xiao Jinzhong's Works 《Twilight Rain》 2


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Rain Night》


Xiao Jinzhong's work 《Sunset》


Xiao Jinzhong's work《Shuying》

肖金钟作品 《积米山房》

Xiao Jinzhong's work《Jimi Mountain House》

肖金钟作品 《兰芳春日 桂馥秋风》

Xiao Jinzhong's work《Lan Fang, Spring Sun, Gui Fu, Autumn Breeze》

肖金钟作品 《白马秋风塞上 杏花春雨江南》

Xiao Jinzhong's work《White Horse, Autumn Breeze, Apricot Blossoms, Spring Rain, Jiangnan》

肖金钟作品 《楚水吴山外 唐诗晋帖间》

Xiao Jinzhong's work《Chu Shui Wu Shan Wai Tang Poetry Jin Tie Jian》

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