Initiation of electronic applications for the initial granting of residence permits in accordance with the provisions of Law 4251/2014 and Act No. 106/2007 The General Secretariat of Immigration Policy, continuing the transition towards the complete electronicization - digitization of the process of granting residence permits to citizens of third countries, is starting the new process of electronic submission of applications for the granting of initial residence permits of citizens of third countries. In particular, we inform you that from next Wednesday, November 16, 2022, all applications for the initial granting of residence permits for citizens of third countries will be submitted exclusively through the electronic services of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum ( ).
根据第4251/2014号法律和第106/2007号法律的规定,启动初始居留许可的电子申请移民政策总秘书处继续向完全电子化----向第三国公民发放居留证的程序数字化----过渡,正在启动以电子方式提交向第三国公民发放初次居留证申请的新程序。我们特别通知您,从2022年11月16日,也就是下周三起,所有初次授予第三国公民居留许可的申请将只通过移民和庇护部的电子服务( ).