
予锐评课程 2024-06-21 07:43:53
Sentence & Translation 1 – 100I’m so sorry, are you okay?對不起,你還好嗎?It was totally my fault, I wasn’t paying enough attention.完全是我的錯,我沒有足夠重視Can we move our cars to the side? It’s causing a bit of a traffic jam.我們能把車開到邊上去嗎?它造成了一點交通堵塞Do you have your insurance information handy? We should exchange details.你有保險信息嗎?我們應該交換一下詳細信息I’ll call the police so they can come and take a report.我打電話給警察,讓他們來報案No, no, I insist on waiting for the police to sort this out properly.不,不,我堅持要等警察來解決這件事Hey, looks like there’s a bit of damage to your bumper.嘿,你的保險杠好像有點損壞My car’s not looking too great either. Let’s make sure we document everything.我的車看起來也不太好。讓我們確保把一切都記錄下來You wouldn’t happen to have a pen and paper, would you? I left mine at home.你不會剛好有紙和筆吧?我忘在家裡了After we sort this out, we should probably get a cup of coffee to calm our nerves.解決完這些問題後,我們應該喝杯咖啡來平復一下心情I’m going to take some pictures of the damage and the surrounding area for the insurance claim.我要拍一些受損情況和周邊區域的照片,以便保險索賠Yeah, accidents happen, but thankfully it doesn’t seem like anyone’s hurt.是啊,意外時有發生,不過幸好沒有人受傷Officer, we were just involved in a minor collision here.警官,我們這裡剛剛發生了一起小碰撞I’m not entirely sure who’s at fault; it all happened so fast.我不太確定是誰的錯,一切都發生得太快了We’ve exchanged insurance information and documented the damage.我們已經交換了保險信息,並記錄了損失情況Here’s my driver’s license and registration, officer.警官,這是我的駕照和行駛證We were about to move our cars from the road to ease traffic. Is that okay?我們正準備將我們的車移出道路,以緩解交通壓力。可以嗎?Is there anything else you need from us for the report?你還需要我們提供什麼報告嗎?I think it might be a good idea to get a professional assessment of the damage.我認為最好請專業人員對損失進行評估Should we call a tow truck, or do you think the cars are drivable?我們是該叫拖車呢,還是你認為這些車可以開?I’ve got roadside assistance on my insurance; let me give them a call.我的保險中有道路救援服務,讓我給他們打個電話It’s my first time being in an accident; I’m not sure what the procedure is.這是我第一次出車禍,我不知道該怎麼處理How long do you think it’ll take for the police to arrive?你覺得警察要多久才能到?I appreciate your calm demeanor in handling this situation.我很欣賞您在處理這種情況時的冷靜態度Do we need to fill out any forms for the insurance claim right here?我們需要在這裡填寫保險索賠表格嗎?My insurance agent mentioned something about a claims adjuster. Do you know what that is?我的保險代理人提到了理賠員。你知道那是什麼嗎?It’s important we get a copy of the police report for the insurance company.我們必須給保險公司一份警方報告的複印件I heard that taking notes about the accident while it’s fresh in our minds can be helpful.我聽說在我們對事故記憶猶新的時候做筆記會有幫助Maybe we should also note the time and exact location of the accident.也許我們還應該記下事故發生的時間和確切地點It looks like the weather might have contributed to the accident, let’s include that in our notes.看來天氣可能是造成事故的原因之一,讓我們把這一點記下來Do you have any recommendations for a good body shop?你有什麼好的車身修理店推薦嗎?My friend had an accident last year, and they said the claims process was a nightmare.我的朋友去年出了一次事故,他們說理賠過程簡直是噩夢Hopefully, our insurance companies will be able to sort this out quickly.希望我們的保險公司能尽快解决这个问题Do you think this will affect our insurance premiums?您認為這會影響我們的保險費嗎?I’ve never been in an accident before, is there anything else I should be doing right now?我以前從未出過事故,我現在還需要做什麼嗎?I’m just glad that we’re both okay and that it wasn’t more serious.我很高興我們都沒事,而且沒有更嚴重Officer, how often do you see accidents like this in the area?警官,您在這一地區經常看到這樣的事故嗎?Is there a specific form we need to fill out, or will the report you’re making suffice?有什麼特別的表格需要我們填寫,還是你現在做的報告就足夠了?Can you walk us through what happens after the report is filed?你能告訴我們報告提交後會發生什麼嗎?Will there be any immediate traffic citations issued today?今天會立即發出交通傳票嗎?Is it okay if I contact my insurance company while we wait?在等待期間,我可以聯繫我的保險公司嗎?How long does it usually take for the report to be available for insurance purposes?用於保險目的的報告通常需要多長時間?It’s getting a bit cold; do you mind if we wait in our cars?天氣有點冷,我們在車裡等可以嗎?I’m trying to stay calm, but this is quite stressful.我在努力保持鎮靜,但壓力很大I’ll need to call someone to pick me up; my car definitely isn’t drivable.我需要叫人來接我,我的車肯定不能開了It’s lucky that the accident happened near a service station.幸好事故發生在服務站附近I’ve never had to use my insurance for an accident before; I hope I have all the necessary coverage.我從來沒有因為事故而使用過保險;我希望我有所有必要的保險This is a good reminder for me to review my insurance policy.這是一個很好的提醒,讓我重新審視我的保險單Should we notify our families, or wait until everything is sorted out?我們應該通知我們的家人,還是等到一切都理清了再通知?It’s important to keep track of any medical issues that might appear later.記錄以後可能出現的任何醫療問題非常重要I’ve heard of people feeling fine now but having problems a few days after an accident.我聽說有人現在感覺很好,但在事故發生幾天後就會出現問題Do you know if our insurance covers a rental car while ours are being repaired?你知道在我們的車修理期間,我們的保險是否包括租車費用?It’s a bit overwhelming to think about all the steps we need to take after this.想到我們在事故後需要採取的所有措施,我有點不知所措I’m going to jot down your contact information, just in case we need to get in touch later.我要記下你的聯絡方式,以防我們以後需要聯繫Officer, will you need statements from any witnesses?警官,您需要任何證人的證詞嗎?Is there a specific hotline we should call for accident-related inquiries?我們是否需要撥打專門的熱線電話,進行事故相關的諮詢?Do you know how we can obtain a copy of the accident scene photos for our records?您知道我們如何獲得事故現場照片的副本作為記錄嗎?It’s helpful to know the local traffic laws; I wasn’t aware of some of them.了解當地的交通法規很有幫助;我不知道其中的一些Will this accident be on our driving record?這次事故會記入我們的駕駛記錄嗎?I hope this doesn’t take too long; I have an important meeting later today.希望不要耽擱太久,我今天晚些時候有個重要會議It’s my first accident; I’m a bit unsure about the next steps.這是我第一次出車禍,我不知道下一步該怎麼做Could you recommend a towing service, or will the police call one?您能推薦一家拖車服務公司嗎?Is there a way to expedite the insurance claim process?有什麼辦法可以加快保險索賠程序嗎?I hope the repairs don’t take too long; I need my car for work.我希望修理時間不要太長,我需要用車工作It’s unfortunate, but at least it gives us a chance to learn from our mistakes.這很不幸,但至少給了我們一個從錯誤中吸取教訓的機會I wonder if there are any safety driving courses we could take to avoid future accidents.我想知道我們是否可以參加一些安全駕駛課程,以避免將來發生事故It’s a relief that modern cars are built with so many safety features.現代汽車配備了如此多的安全裝置,這讓我感到欣慰I’ll need to find a ride home; do you think a taxi will come to this location?我得找輛車回家,你覺得出租車會來這個地方嗎?It’s a bit ironic; I was just talking about safe driving yesterday.這有點諷刺,我昨天還在談論安全駕駛呢Do you know if there’s a specific department we should contact for emotional support after an accident?你知道發生事故後,我們應該聯繫哪個部門來尋求情感支持嗎?I guess now’s a good time to invest in a dash cam.我想現在是投資一個行車記錄儀的好時機I’m starting to feel a bit of neck pain; maybe I should see a doctor as a precaution.我開始覺得脖子有點疼,也許我應該去看醫生,以防萬一Let’s keep each other updated about the insurance claims process.讓我們互相通報保險理賠程序的最新情況Do you have any tips on dealing with insurance adjusters?您有什麼與保險理賠人員打交道的技巧嗎?It’s daunting to think about all the paperwork that needs to be filled out.想到需要填寫的所有文件工作就令人生畏I’m going to make a list of everything we’ve done so far for my records.我要把我們到目前為止所做的一切列一個清單,以作記錄It’s a good thing we’re handling this as calmly as we are.我們能冷静地處理這件事是件好事I wonder if there’s an app that helps with accident documentation and claims.我想知道是否有一款應用程式可以幫助事故記錄和索賠Officer, do you have any safety tips for avoiding accidents in the future?警官,您有什麼安全提示可以避免今後發生事故嗎?Is it better to call our insurance companies together, or should we do it separately?是一起給我們的保險公司打電話比較好,還是我們應該分開打?I’m worried about driving again; do you have any advice?我擔心再次開車,您有什麼建議嗎?How can we make sure we don’t forget any important details when reporting the accident?如何確保在報告事故時不會忘記任何重要細節?I hope our cars can be repaired; they have sentimental value to me.我希望我們的車能修好;它們對我來說很有感情價值It’s good to know the steps to take; it makes the situation less intimidating.知道要採取的步驟是件好事;這會使情況變得不那麼可怕Are there any community resources for people involved in traffic accidents?有沒有為交通事故當事人提供的社區資源?I think a thorough check-up after an accident is important, even if you feel okay.我認為事故發生後進行徹底檢查很重要,即使你感覺沒事It’s surprising how quickly everything happened.一切發生得如此之快令人驚訝It’s a good idea to review our car’s safety features and maybe consider upgrades.檢查我們汽車的安全性能並考慮升級是個好主意Do you think traffic cameras captured the accident?您認為交通攝像頭拍到了這起事故嗎?I’ll need to adjust my schedule until the car is fixed; it’s going to be a hassle.在車修好之前,我需要調整我的日程安排;這會很麻煩Officer, can you recommend a good local mechanic?警官,您能推薦一個好的本地修理工嗎?It’s useful to have an emergency kit in the car; I’ll definitely be putting one together after this.在車裡準備一個應急包很有用;這次事故後我一定會準備一個應急包I’m grateful for the help of the emergency services; they make a big difference.我很感謝應急服務部門的幫助,他們讓情況大為改觀It’s a reminder to always wear a seatbelt, no matter how short the journey.這提醒我們,無論旅程多短,都要系好安全帶I hope we can resolve everything amicably and learn from this experience.我希望我們能友好地解決一切問題,並從這次經歷中吸取教訓It’s essential to keep a cool head in situations like this.在這種情況下,保持冷静的頭腦至關重要Do we need to be present for the vehicle inspections by the insurance company?保險公司檢查車輛時,我們需要在場嗎?It’s going to be a story to tell; thankfully, it’s one with a relatively okay ending.這將是一個值得講述的故事;所幸的是,這是一個結局相對較好的故事I’ll need to take a day off to deal with all the aftermath of this.我需要請一天假來處理所有善後事宜Let’s hope for a smooth process with the insurance and repairs.希望保險和維修工作能順利進行Sentence & Translation 101 – 200Are you okay?你還好嗎?Can you move?能動嗎?Please stay calm, help is on the way.請保持冷靜,救援馬上就到I didn’t see you coming.我沒看到你來了My insurance details are in the glove compartment.我的保險資料在手套箱裡Can we move our cars to the side of the road?我們能把車開到路邊嗎?Do you have a first aid kit?你有急救箱嗎?I think we should call the police.我覺得我們應該報警There’s been an accident; we need an ambulance.發生了一起事故,我們需要一輛救護車My head hurts; I might have a concussion.我的頭很疼;我可能得了腦震盪How fast were you going?你開多快?I had the right of way.我有路權I’m so sorry, this was my fault.對不起,這是我的錯Can I get your contact information?能給我你的聯絡方式嗎?Let’s take photos for insurance purposes.為了保險起見,我們來拍照吧Did anyone see what happened?有人看到發生了什麼嗎?We should exchange insurance information.我們應該交換保險信息I think your taillight was out.我想你的尾燈壞了Can you describe what happened?你能描述一下發生了什麼嗎?I have dashcam footage.我有儀表盤錄像My car won’t start; I think it’s totaled.我的車無法啟動,我想它已經報廢了Do you know a good tow service?您知道好的拖車服務嗎?My neck feels stiff; I might have whiplash.我的脖子感覺很僵硬;我可能得了頸椎病Let’s stay off the road to avoid any further accidents.我們不要上路,以免再發生事故I’m dialing 911.我要撥打 911Please don’t leave the scene of the accident.請不要離開事故現場We need to fill out an accident report.我們需要填寫事故報告Can you sign this witness statement?你能在這份證人證詞上簽字嗎?Do you need water or anything to calm down?你需要水或其他東西來冷靜一下嗎?Let’s keep our hazard lights on.請打開危險信號燈I was distracted for a moment.我一時走神了I think we should notify our insurance companies immediately.我認為我們應該立即通知保險公司Are your brakes working properly?您的剎車系統正常嗎?This dent looks bad; how do we settle this?這個凹痕看起來很嚴重,我們該如何解決?I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.我不是故意惹麻煩的Can you breathe okay?你能呼吸嗎?Is it okay if I call your family for you?我幫你打電話給你家人可以嗎?Please be honest with the police about what happened.請如實向警察說明情況Let’s not admit fault until we’ve talked to our insurers.在與保險公司溝通之前,我們先不要承認錯誤Could you please move back? It’s unsafe here.你能搬回去嗎?這裡不安全I believe you ran a red light.我相信你闖了紅燈This intersection is known for accidents.這個十字路口經常發生交通事故I’m a bit shaken up; can we sit down?我有點發抖,我們能坐下嗎?My insurance agent is on the phone; can you talk to them?我的保險代理人正在打電話,您能和他們談談嗎?Do you remember what happened exactly?你還記得具體發生了什麼嗎?I think we were both at fault to some extent.我想我們都有一定程度的過失My side mirror is completely broken off.我的側鏡完全碎掉了Can we discuss this calmly?我們能冷静地討論一下嗎?I need to report this accident to my company.我需要向公司報告這次事故My child is in the car; I need to make sure they’re okay.我的孩子在車裡,我需要確保他們沒事I have a dashcam; it recorded everything.我有一個行車記錄儀,它記錄了一切Let’s not argue; the police will figure it out.別吵了,警察會查出來的Can you check if your lights were working?你能檢查一下你的車燈是否正常工作嗎?I’m really worried about the damage to my car.我真的很擔心我的車受損Please, can you help me get out of the car?請幫我下車好嗎?I didn’t have a chance to brake.我沒來得及煞車You seemed to be speeding.你好像超速了We’ll need to get a police report for the insurance claim.我們需要一份警方報告來進行保險索賠I think your airbags didn’t deploy.我想你的安全氣囊沒有展開Was anyone else involved or hurt?有其他人受傷嗎?We should put up a warning triangle to alert other drivers.我們應該豎起三角警示牌,提醒其他司機Can you write down your version of the events?你能寫下你對事件的看法嗎?My insurance company requires me to take pictures of the accident.我的保險公司要求我拍攝事故照片I think you were in my blind spot.我覺得你在我的盲點上I was trying to avoid another car when I hit you.我撞到你的時候正試圖避開另一輛車Can we agree not to make any decisions until the police arrive?我們能同意在警察來之前不做任何決定嗎?I feel dizzy; I might need medical attention.我感到頭暈,可能需要就醫Do you have a spare tire? Mine’s flat because of the crash.你有備胎嗎?我的因為撞車沒氣了My car is leaking oil; is yours damaged too?我的車漏油了,你的車也損壞了嗎?Please, no hard feelings, accidents happen.請不要難過,意外時有發生Officer, I have all the necessary documentation.警官,我有所有必要的文件We were both turning at the time.當時我們都在轉彎I didn’t hear any honking.我沒有聽到任何喇叭聲I believe there’s a CCTV camera that might have caught the accident.我相信有一個閉路電視攝像頭可能拍到了這起事故Can we sort this out without involving our insurance?我們能在不涉及保險的情況下解決這個問題嗎?I think we’re blocking traffic; we need to clear the road.我認為我們堵塞了交通;我們需要清理道路My car slid on the ice; I couldn’t control it.我的車在冰上打滑,我無法控制Can you explain the procedure for filing a claim?您能解釋一下申請索賠的程序嗎?I was blinded by the sun and didn’t see the stop sign.我被太陽刺瞎了眼睛,沒有看到停車標誌This scratch is pretty minor; maybe we can handle it without a claim.這個劃痕很輕微,也許我們可以不用索賠I’ll need your driver’s license number for the report.我需要您的駕駛執照號碼來做報告Let’s make a list of the damages to both cars.讓我們列出兩輛車的損失清單I think my wrist is sprained from the impact.我想我的手腕被撞得扭傷了It looks like you have a flat tire too.看來你的輪胎也爆了Please be careful; the road is slippery.請小心,路很滑Can you walk? I want to make sure you’re not injured.你能走路嗎?我想確保你沒有受傷I’m going to check on the other passengers.我去看看其他乘客Could you please explain your insurance coverage?您能解釋一下您的保險範圍嗎?Officer, here’s my registration and proof of insurance.警官,這是我的登記表和保險證明We should document the scene before moving anything.我們應該在移動任何東西之前記錄下現場情況I was following the speed limit.我沒有超速Can we contact a mediator to resolve this?我們可以聯繫調解員來解決這個問題嗎?I’m worried about driving my car now; it seems unsafe.我現在很擔心開車,好像不安全Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of?您是否有任何健康狀況需要我們注意?I’m not feeling well; I need to sit down.我感覺不舒服;我需要坐下來Let’s try to stay positive; it could have been worse.讓我們保持樂觀,情況可能會更糟I’m willing to cooperate fully.我願意全力配合Can we settle this amicably?我們能友好地解決這個問題嗎?I’ll call my insurance advisor for guidance.我會打電話給我的保險顧問尋求指導Thank you for being understanding.謝謝您的理解
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