新的一天,期待和谁相遇之前,先与自己相遇,珍惜自己,关照自己,才能和美好相遇。A new day, look forward to who meet, first meet with yourself, cherish themselves, care for themselves, and meet beautiful.跟猫学,保持冷静,适当撒娇,几乎不动心,跟猪学,保持食欲,充足睡眠,几乎不烦恼。Learn from the cat, keep calm, appropriate sajiao, almost not tempted, learn from the pig, keep the appetite, enough sleep, almost no worry.

能被岁月眷顾的,一定是那些内心温和纯善的人,因为善良,所以美好,用一颗简单温暖的心,做一个快乐幸福的人。Can be favored by the years, must be those who heart gentle and pure good people, because of kindness, so beautiful, with a simple and warm heart, do a happy person.

认命了,不再与内心做任何反抗,终究不是被人捧在手心里的人,不纠结什么,不指望依靠谁,也不抱任何期望,自己努力,完成自己的责任,剩下的时间富养自己。Accept the fate, no longer do any resistance with the heart, after all, is not being held in the hands of the people, do not tangle with what, do not expect to rely on who, also do not hold any expectations, their own efforts, to complete their own responsibilities, the rest of the time to enrich themselves.其实努力也没那么辛苦,想着以后的日子可以过得那样平静和有力量,可以一步步靠近喜欢的人,可以轻松拥有自己喜欢的东西。就能在疲惫的生活中找到甜头。In fact, the hard work is not so hard, thinking that the future life can be so calm and powerful, you can step by step close to the people you like, you can easily have their own favorite things. You can find the sweetness in a tired life.

后来我选择了沉默也不想再较劲,只想爱自己。至于其他人和事,不值得我浪费一丁点心思。Later, I chose silence and do not want to compete, just want to love myself. As for other people and things, it's not worth my waste.人生已经有了那么多妥协,唯有两点要坚守底线,买最想买的东西否则就不买,爱最想爱的人否则就不爱。There have been so many compromises in life, only two points to stick to the bottom line, to buy the most want to buy things or do not buy to buy, love the most want to love the people otherwise will not love.