
三月流焱 2022-10-28 09:16:43

人生有进有退,生活不钻牛角尖,输什么也不能输了心情。乐观豁达的人,能把平凡的生活变得富有情趣,能把苦难的日子变得甜美珍贵,能把繁琐的事情变得简单可行。Life has advance and retreat, life does not drill, lose what also can not lose the mood. Optimistic and open-minded people can make ordinary life interesting, make suffering days sweet and precious, and make tedious things simple and feasible.

爱自己,给自己吃好的、穿好的、用好的、让自己开心,像对待情人一样地对待自己。Love yourself, give yourself good, good, good, make yourself happy, and treat yourself like a lover.一个陌生的城市里,能有落脚的地方,有睡得习惯的枕头,有柔软的棉被,这就是幸福吧。In a strange city, there is a place to stay, a habitual sleeping pillow, and a soft quilt, and this is happiness.

希望生活给予你希望的同时,也给予你阳光,作为回报,让你感受到这个世界的温柔。Hope that life gives you hope, but also gives you sunshine, in return, let you feel the gentleness of the world.

难过了悲伤一下没关系,哭一下也没关系,孤单一下也没关系。给自己一点时间,一切都会过去。Sad sad it doesn't matter, cry it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter alone. Give yourself a little time, and everything will pass.

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