
琮琮聊教育 2023-11-17 16:26:06


1.阅读习惯的培养: 完形填空主要考察对文章整体逻辑的把握,因此培养良好的阅读习惯是关键。多读英语文章,包括新闻、文章、小说等,提高对英语语境的理解。

2.词汇积累: 完形填空中常涉及到一些生僻词汇或多义词,因此在复习时要注重词汇积累。可以通过背单词、阅读时标记生词并查阅词典等方式来提高词汇水平。

3.语法知识回顾: 完形填空往往涉及到一些语法结构和语法搭配,因此复习时要回顾基础的语法知识,包括时态、语态、主谓一致等。

4.上下文逻辑: 阅读文章时要注意上下文的逻辑关系,特别是前后句子之间的连接关系。这有助于你更好地理解文章,准确填入空白处的内容。

5.文章结构分析: 完形填空通常会涉及到文章的整体结构,包括主旨、目的、段落结构等。通过对文章结构的分析,可以更好地理解文章的脉络,提高填空的准确性。

6.模拟练习: 利用历年的真题或模拟题进行练习,了解考试的题型和难度。模拟考试有助于提高你在有限时间内的答题速度和准确性。

7.错误总结: 在练习过程中,注意总结犯过的错误。了解自己的薄弱点,有针对性地进行复习和训练,以避免类似的错误再次发生。

8.背景知识: 有些完形填空题可能涉及一些背景知识,包括文化、历史等。在复习时,可以了解一些常见的背景知识,以提高对文章内容的理解。

9.时间管理: 在考试中,合理分配时间对每道题目进行作答是非常重要的。训练自己在规定时间内完成一篇文章的填空,提高在考试环境下的应对能力。



When it comes to protecting the environment, people usually think of reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and adopting renewable energy. However, a new study has found that vegetation is also (1) __________ positively in environmental protection. Scientists have discovered that plants communicate with each other actively by releasing scents and (2) __________ cooperate to combat pests. This discovery reveals a subtle and efficient way of communication among plants, further proving that plants are not only static organisms; they can also maintain the balance of the entire ecosystem through this seemingly inconspicuous method.

The key to this research is the (3) __________ that plants can transmit information by releasing a type of scent known as "volatile organic compounds." These scents can be sensed by nearby plants and prompt them to take defensive measures. For example, when a plant is attacked by pests, it releases specific volatile organic compounds, notifying nearby plants that they may face the same threat. Upon receiving this information, these neighboring plants initiate a series of defense mechanisms, such as producing toxic substances or releasing attractants to protect themselves from pest infestations.

This research provides us with a new perspective, allowing us to better understand how plants adapt to environmental changes through a complex information transmission network. While this discovery may not necessarily (4) __________ our daily understanding of environmental protection, it does deepen our appreciation for the vitality and adaptability of plants.

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