
美术报 2020-12-20 12:51:36





展览时间 Exhibition Dates:

2020.12.12 - 2020.12.31

开放时间 Opening Hours:

10:00-17:00 (周二闭馆 Closed on Tuesday)

展览地点 Exhibition Place:


Exhibition Hall 3, China Printmaking Museum

主办单位 Organizer:


China Printmaking Museum





This exhibition showcases the prints of two diverse countries is the first of its kind in China. It explores the complex relationship individuals have with their artistic heritage and in some cases their role in society. The co-curators, friends—one American the other Russian—chose work that is varied both technically and conceptually, each displaying some aspect of the vibrant print communities in which they live and work.


Over the centuries, printmaking, or the graphic arts, has flourished in both countries. In Russia, intaglio printmaking appeared in the era of Peter the Great and developing in parallel with Europe. In the 19th century the illustration of books using steelengraving became widespread and an important movement that continues today. During the Soviet era House of Artistswasinitiated which brought artists from various republics togetherin all art fields, including printmaking, and encouraged shared techniques and ideas. In recent decades there has been more interchange between artists across the globe than ever before.One particular exchange between Russia and the United States started in the 1990’s between the House of Artists Senezh, outside Moscow and Rutgers University, where I was formerly a Professor. Nine Russian artists went to New Jersey and nine American artists went to the House of Artist Senezh on separate trips over the course of a few years. Experiencing each other’s cultures allowed for a deeper level of understanding and built friendships as well as shared printmaking knowledge. Other examples of this type of exchange has continued to flourish in both countries.


In the United States, printmaking developed mainly along commercial lines –illustration of magazines and printing for industry—but in the 19th century wood engravings, intaglio prints, and lithographs took on an artistic focus. It was the Great Depression however, with the founding of The Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1935, that printmaking had a renaissance by creating jobs for artists that enabled them to make a living. After World War II, the US becamea melting pot of creativity, with countless artists experimenting first in lithography and intaglio printing and later in screen printing. Artists from other countries came to the United states bringing fresh viewpoints that informed the art conversation and many of them, interested in making prints, helped create the widespread practice of working with master printmakers that is prevalent today.


Printmaking continues to have an impressive development in both countries, with strong printmaking departments in art schools, as well as the opportunity to work in private printmaking ateliers.What is proven is that the meeting of people in scholarship and in the understanding of art allows us to unite as fellow creators and individuals. Russia and America have long and culturally diverse societies which bring different voices and expression into current contemporary art practice. This exhibition shows the diversity of styles, from storytelling to abstraction to depictions of the world around us in a wide array of graphic techniques in all shapes and sizes, including large scale woodcuts. Other prints in the exhibition utilize new techniques that include digital technologies while others practice techniques that were invented centuries ago; lithography invented in 1878 and still done on limestone and photogravure, developed in the 1850’s, and still printed today from copper plates.Artists continue to utilize all aspects of industrial technologies to suit their needs.


When it comes to the relationship between great peoples, that relationship is not complete without the arts. The title of this exhibition, Branches from the Same Tree, was chosen to represent the closeness we feel as kindred artists, no matter the geographic or political differences, because we are the same people when we stand in our studio, in front of the press, facing own creative demons. We have the same challenges — time, materials, inspiration — and each of us use the graphic arts to express what means the most to us. Artists are the voice of our varied cultures and nothing promotes understanding more than shared experiences like this exhibition, both for the artists and the viewers.



Prof. Lynne Allen

Boston University, USA



Appreciation of some works

Refugees 避难者

Beth Grabowski 贝丝·格拉博夫斯基

Photopolymer gravure 照相制版


Louis Agassiz路易士·阿格西

Carson Fox 卡尔森·福克斯

manipulated pigment print 数码版


Snake and Vine 蛇与葡萄藤

Emily Arthur 艾米丽·亚瑟

screen print on Arches 88 paper 丝网版


Motel Six6号汽车旅馆

Emmett Merrill 埃米特·梅里尔

Color Lithograph on BFK Tan 石版


Train to Madrid 开往马德里的火车

Alexey Veselovsky 阿列克谢·维瑟洛夫斯基

Gumbichromate print on Fabriano Tiepolo paper 重铬酸胶照相制版


Choir Boy唱诗班男孩

John Buck 约翰·巴克



Quaestio de aqua et de terra 水土论

Ekaterina Smirnova 叶卡捷琳娜·斯米尔诺娃

color lithography 石版


Blue parrot 蓝色鹦鹉

Natalia Sineva 娜塔利娅·辛内娃

Color lithographs 石版


1Echolocation I 回声定位

Nikon Filippov 尼康·菲利波夫

Serigraphy 丝网版


Sea Suite II海洋组曲2

Vasily Vlasov 瓦西里·弗拉索夫

lithographs 石版

55×75cm | 1989丨俄罗斯



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