
范林宁课程 2024-05-05 21:00:07
crash /kræʃ/ noun 1 撞车;碰撞;相撞 a car/plane crash 汽车撞车事故;飞机失事 2 [usually sing.] (倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声 The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了。 3 暴跌;倒闭;破产;失败 the 1987 stock market crash 1987年的股票市场暴跌 4 (机器或系统,尤指计算机或计算机系统的)崩溃 verb 1 ~ (sth) (into sth) 碰撞;撞击 [V] I was terrified that the plane would crash. 飞机会失事把我吓坏了。 2 [V] 使发出巨响 Thunder crashed overhead. 头顶上雷声隆隆。 3 [V] (of prices, a business, shares, etc. 价格、业务、股票等) (突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;暴跌 Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday. 昨天股票价格暴跌到了前所未有的最低纪录。 4 崩溃 [V] Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. 要是计算机系统突然崩溃,文件就可能丢失。 adj. [only before noun] 应急的;速成的 involving hard work or a lot of effort over a short period of time in order to achieve quick results a crash course in computer programming 计算机编程速成课程 a crash diet 快速减肥规定饮食 点点关注,谢谢喵~
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