所有逆袭都是有备而来,所有光芒都需要时间才能被看到,所有幸运都是努力埋下的伏笔。All counter attacks are prepared, all lights need time to be seen, and all luck is the foreshadowing of efforts.身边有个一直鼓励你,一直肯定你的人真的太重要了,那看似没用甚至有些夸张的赞美,在你每次跌倒时都能救你。The person who has been encouraging you and affirming you is really important. It seems useless and even exaggerated, and can save you every time you fall.

终有一天,你会明白,能找到自己喜欢的东西,并保持热爱,是多么的幸运,一辈子转瞬即逝,至少活得有态度些。One day, you will understand how lucky it is to find something you like and keep loving it. Your life is fleeting. At least you should live with attitude.不管夜里多晚睡,天亮必须早起,不管身体多少疲惫,压力必须扛起,不管心里多委屈,难过必须藏起,生活很累,却无路可退。No matter how late you sleep at night, you must get up early at dawn. No matter how tired you are, you must shoulder the pressure. No matter how wronged you are, you must hide your sadness. Life is very tired, but there is no way out.

遇到不可理喻的事情,接受,处理,远离,不追问。最后这三个字,是生活教会我的最重要的三个字。When encountering unreasonable things, accept, deal with, stay away from, and don't ask questions. The last three words are the most important words that life has taught me.昨天越来越多,明天越来越少,人生就是一次减法,来日并不方长,把每一个今天过好让它成为最好的昨天。Yesterday is more and more, tomorrow is less and less. Life is a subtraction. Tomorrow is not long. Live each day well and make it the best yesterday.

你想要的正在向你走来,愿你拥有好运,对一切充满感激,喜欢美好,也喜欢自己。What you want is coming to you. May you have good luck, be grateful for everything, like beauty, and like yourself.不要小瞧自己,只要你不认命,坚持努力不放弃,想要的都会属于自己,那些你咬牙坚持的日子,终将会成为你最精彩的时光。Don't underestimate yourself. As long as you don't accept your fate and stick to your efforts, everything you want will belong to you. Those days when you stick to your guns will eventually become your best time.