
范林宁课程 2024-03-26 02:03:11
satire /ˈsætaɪər/ noun [U, C] 讽刺;讥讽;讽刺作品 a way of criticizing a person, an idea or an institution in which you use humour to show their faults or weaknesses; a piece of writing that uses this type of criticism political/social satire 政治 / 社会讽刺作品 a work full of savage/biting satire 一部充满无情 / 辛辣讽刺的作品 The novel is a stinging satire on American politics. 这部小说是对美国政治的尖锐讽刺。 savour /ˈseɪvər/ verb [VN] 1 品味;细品;享用 to enjoy the full taste or flavour of sth, especially by eating or drinking it slowly 同义词: relish He ate his meal slowly, savouring every mouthful. 他细嚼慢咽地吃着饭,一口一口地品味。 2 体会;体味;享受 to enjoy a feeling or an experience thoroughly 同义词: relish I wanted to savour every moment. 我要细心品味,一刻也不错过。 短语动词 savour of sth [no passive] (formal) 意味着;有点…成分,有点…的味道(尤指坏的) to seem to have an amount of sth, especially sth bad His recent comments savour of hypocrisy. 他近来说的话有点虚伪。 noun [usually sing.] (formal or literary) (尤指美好的)味道,气味,滋味 a taste or smell, especially a pleasant one (figurative) For Emma, life had lost its savour. 对埃玛来说,生活已失去乐趣。 点点关注,解锁更多好词好句~
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