
怀薇评国际趣事 2024-12-31 13:34:57

We begin at 6PM with breaking news.

我们将于下午 6 点开始播报突发新闻。

Start with that breaking news this morning.


Let's start this morning with breaking news.


With social media and the Internet, it's easier than ever to stay informed of what's happening around the world.


But local news is a beast of its own.


Only local stations with their daily boots on the ground coverage can provide the facts on what's happening in your neighborhood beyond the national headlines and weather forecasts.


That's why millions of people around the world still tune in every day to the morning news.


The LAPD is looking for a suspect who threw a rock at a restaurant window in the San Fernando Valley.


Chaos in a Mission Hills neighborhood early this morning as a truck crashes through the wall of a home and winds up in the backyard.


Four people are in the hospital this morning after being ejected from a vehicle during a pursuit overnight.


Firefighters battle an overnight fire in Burlington County.


Flames broke out just before 2:30 this morning.

火焰于今天凌晨 2:30 前爆发。

Yet viewership has declined for traditional news media, and in turn, so have profits, with local news stations having been hit the hardest.

然而, 传统新闻媒体的收视率下降,利润也随之下降, 而地方新闻台受到的打击最为严重。

Whatever budget left is invested in the daytime news cycle.


But newsworthy incidents also happen at night, and since the usual anchors, reporters, and cameramen all need to sleep and the stations have no budget for a nighttime crew, Who's covering these breaking stories at night?


The answer is nightcrawlers.


While news stations capture the stories of the day, nightcrawlers hunt for the stories of the night.


You see their footage on broadcast and across social media, but never their faces, voices or names.


Beyond a tiny watermark, they get no public credit or recognition.


They show up, film, and disappear and the best nightcrawlers make 6 to 8 figures a year.

它们出现、拍摄,然后消失,最好的蚯蚓每年可以赚 6 到 8 位数的收入。

Every city has its nightcrawlers, and Los Angeles is the second biggest media market in the country.


In this Modern NBA Original, we're diving into the secret world and writing alongside LA's leading nightcrawlers to understand firsthand what it takes to succeed in this invisible profession.

在这部现代 NBA 原创作品中,我们将深入这个秘密世界,与洛杉矶的顶尖夜行者一起写作,亲自了解如何在这个隐形职业中取得成功。

What does the future hold in business?


Asked nine experts and you'll get ten answers.


Analysts will say that we're in a bull market this month and then a bear market the next.


Could someone please invent a crystal ball?


Until then, over 40,000 businesses have futureproofed their business with NetSuite by Oracle, the number one cloud ERP, bringing accounting, finance, inventory, and HR into one fluid platform.

迄今为止,已有超过 40,000 家企业通过 Oracle 的 NetSuite(首屈一指的云 ERP)确保其业务的未来发展,将会计、财务、库存和人力资源整合到一个流畅的平台中。

With one unified business management suite, there's one source of truth giving you the visibility and control you need to make quick decisions.


With real-time insights and forecasting, you're peering into the future with actionable data.


When you're closing the books in days, not weeks, you're spending less time looking backwards and more time on what's next.


Modern MBA is small at the moment, but as soon as we scale, we will need and use NetSuite.

目前,Modern MBA 的规模很小,但一旦规模扩大,我们将需要并使用 NetSuite。

Today we're stitching things together manually and it's gotten harder to assess our business health as we've expanded.


We need to track production costs to run payroll compliant with states and countries and to evaluate profit and loss by team and project.


As a corporation, we pay tax throughout the year and it's a nightmare jumping from system to system just to get one answer.


These are capabilities that only NetSuite provides and it's a platform that we intend to take every advantage of.

这些功能只有 NetSuite 才能提供,我们打算充分利用这个平台。

Whether your company is earning millions or even hundreds of millions, NetSuite helps you respond to immediate challenges and seize your biggest opportunities.

无论您的公司收入是数百万还是数亿美元,NetSuite 都能帮助您应对眼前的挑战并抓住最大的机遇。

Speaking of opportunity, download the CFO's guide to AI and Machine Learning at netsuite.com/ModernMBA.

说到机会,请前往 netsuite.com/ModernMBA 下载 CFO 的 AI 和机器学习指南。

The guide is free to you at NetSuite.com/ModernMBA.

您可以访问 NetSuite.com/ModernMBA 免费获取该指南。

That's netsuite.com/ModernMBA.

那是 netsuite.com/ModernMBA。

It's 9PM on Wednesday in Los Angeles and while the rest of the city is getting ready to sleep, the team at Key News Networks is getting ready to work.

现在是洛杉矶时间星期三晚上 9 点, 当城市的其他地方准备入睡时,Key News Networks 的团队却准备开始工作。

Of the hundreds of 911 calls that are phoned in across LA every night, only a few of them are real.

洛杉矶每晚都会接到数百个 911 电话,但只有少数是真实的。

Being a nightcrawler is a game of patience and skill.


Zak and his team are not mindlessly cruising around, but instead they wait under highway bridges to conserve their strength as they work until 4AM.

扎克和他的团队并没有漫无目的地四处巡游,而是在高速公路桥下等候, 以保存体力, 一直工作到凌晨 4 点。

All night long, they're listening for specific codes across 4 dedicated radios - police, fire, medical, and highway patrol to catch the latest breaking story.

整个晚上,他们都在通过 4 个专用无线电(警察、消防、医疗和公路巡逻)监听特定代码,以获取最新的突发新闻。

It's feast or famine.


Nightcrawlers live and die by the calls.


Some nights are dead and some are nonstop.


When you've been in this line of work as long as Zak and his team, you can assess problems faster than even the first responders.


And when a promising call comes in, things go from 0 to 100 in an instant.

而当一个有希望的电话打进来时,事情就会瞬间从 0 变成 100。

Hollywood and Netflix in recent years have brought the profession into the spotlight, but for entertainment purposes, they portray nightcrawlers as unskilled, immoral opportunists who prey on tragedy.

近年来,好莱坞和 Netflix 让这一职业备受关注,但出于娱乐目的,他们将夜行者描绘成没有技能、不道德、以悲剧为猎物的机会主义者。

They push a stereotype that it's all about doing whatever it takes to be first on scene, and that the more disturbing and gory the footage, the higher the payout.

他们推崇一种刻板印象:只要能第一时间到达现场, 就必须不惜一切代价,而且拍摄的镜头越令人不安、越血腥,报酬就越高。

Two people have been hospitalized after a crash in the Angeles National Forest.


One of the victims had to be airlifted to a trauma center.


Authorities say a car plunged 40ft down the side of North San Gabriel Canyon Road just before midnight last night.

当局称,昨晚午夜前,一辆汽车从北圣盖博峡谷路边坠下 40 英尺。

And developing right now in Irwindale, a bicyclist is dead.


You can see the bike right here and a driver is in custody after a late night police pursuit.


While the public are the end consumers, it's the news stations who are actually Zak's customers.


They're the ones who pay nightcrawlers for their work and decide what is a story and what isn't.


It's pay per use.


The media buy these stories from nightcrawlers and pay them every time they use their footage in a broadcast.


While the footage is the primary deliverable, nightcrawlers are really selling information, Newsrooms these days are shrinking, not growing, and there's a greater reliance on freelancers like these nightcrawlers.


Long Beach police and fire were called here after a woman called 911 to report that a man had walked out of a home on the street and opened fire in her direction.

一名女子拨打 911 报警称,一名男子从街上的一所房子里走出来并向她开枪,随后长滩警察和消防队赶到了现场。

There are only 1,500 TV stations in the country.


111 of which do regular business with Zak's company [Key News Network] and word travels fast in the old school industry of mainstream media.

其中 111 家与扎克的公司 [Key News Network] 有定期业务往来,而且消息在主流媒体这一传统行业中传播得很快。

A man shot and left fighting for his life in an attempted carjacking has this Highland Park neighborhood very concerned.


The LAPD says a 69 year-old man was shot when he refused to give up his Chevy pickup truck just after midnight.

洛杉矶警察局称,午夜过后,一名 69 岁的男子因拒绝放弃他的雪佛兰皮卡车而被枪击。

With so much investment in daytime news, new stations don't have the resources in-house to chase these stories overnight, especially given that every night is a gamble.


It's a specialized trade that requires not just knowledge of law enforcement, fire, medical, signal codes, dispatch tendencies, but also of the city, neighborhood, and cross streets.


You need to know the fastest route to get in and out of a scene without getting trapped, how to work it without disrupting first responders, and how to get the best shots with what you have.


It's all run-and-gun and there's no time for Google Maps.


In short, it's cheaper for new stations to outsource and buy stories from freelance nightcrawlers every morning, all packaged up and ready for broadcast.

简而言之,对于新电台来说, 外包和购买自由职业者每天早上撰写的故事,并将其打包好准备播出, 这样做更便宜。

But it's not a market where the lowest bidder wins.


New stations won't risk their production standards and reputation just to save a few bucks.


They can't use vertical videos filmed on smartphones or random submissions from strangers.


Like any B2B relationship, news directors want long term partners, and Zak and his team are not lone wolves.

与任何 B2B 关系一样, 新闻主管希望拥有长期合作伙伴,而扎克和他的团队并不是孤狼。

Key News Network is an established company that competes in not just speed, but also reliability and accountability.

Key News Network 是一家老牌公司, 其竞争优势不仅在于速度,还在于可靠性和责任感。

Nightcrawlers are at the whims of the news stations.


Routine incidents like DUIs, car crashes, and hidden runs are not considered stories unless there's fatalities or catastrophic damage.


The bigger the incident, the stronger the story, and the greater the payout.


The more stations that pick up the stories, the more customers there are buying the same piece of footage for broadcast, the more money in the bank for Zak and his team.


But it's all luck of the draw.


There's no fixed rates.


A DUI, fire, home invasion, or shooting may be worth something today, more tomorrow, and then nothing the day after.

酒驾、火灾、入室抢劫或枪击事件今天可能会产生一定的影响,明天可能会更有影响, 后天就可能一文不值。

The dollar value of a story is dynamic and it goes up and down every day all based on the news cycles and the newsroom priorities at the local, regional, and national level.


That terrifying standoff in the heart of downtown LA is now over.


The LAPD is saying one passenger was reportedly shot multiple times, died at an area hospital.


The suspected hijacker has been arrested, and the driver and another passenger have been rescued.


You can see them being pulled out of that bus here in the middle of the night.


It was a party just outside Dodger Stadium last night.


After that last out, fans cheering, waving flags, blocking the streets, and lighting fireworks, celebrating after the boys in blue captured their 8th World Series title in franchise history.


Several cars were seen doing donuts near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Vin Scully Avenue, kicking up heavy smoke as crowds of onlookers cheered.

在日落大道与文斯卡利大道交叉口附近, 可以看到多辆汽车在做“甜甜圈”动作,冒出浓烟,围观的人群发出欢呼声。

The LAPD ruling the gathering unlawful and ordering the crowd to disperse just before 10 PM.

洛杉矶警察局裁定此次集会非法,并命令人群在晚上 10 点之前解散。

Even though it's all luck of the draw, there are some factors that Zak and his team can control to make their stories more enticing.

虽然这全是运气的缘故,但扎克和他的团队可以控制一些因素, 以使他们的故事更具吸引力。

If they get footage of an incident and sound, meaning an interview with an eyewitness or family, that can bring up the value of the story.


If they get an exclusive, meaning that no one else has footage of this incident then that gives them pricing power.


This is where speed and scale matters, and Key News Network isn't the only game in town.

速度和规模至关重要,而 Key News Network 并不是唯一的选择。

There's competition everywhere, from social media amateurs to other nightcrawler companies.


99% of the value lies in the visuals, and Zak has pushed KNN to compete on framing, clarity, cinematography and composition.

99% 的价值在于视觉效果,扎克推动 KNN 在取景、清晰度、摄影和构图方面展开竞争。

Every nightcrawler on his team uses custom shoulder-mounted rigs that can grab shots in low-light and at a distance that would be impossible to pull off with handheld Sonys and smartphones.


By Zak's own estimation, 85% of the job is just sitting, waiting, and listening.

根据扎克自己的估计,85% 的工作只是坐着、等待和倾听。

10% is chasing calls that go nowhere and just 5% is actually filming, editing, and packaging something deliverable.


When the big calls do come in, all of these elements come to life.


Because Gabe and Zak had coordinated before arrival, they're able to film the same crime scene from two angles and it turns out all the action is happening on Gabe's side of the hill.

由于加布和扎克在到达之前已经进行了协调,他们能够从两个角度拍摄同一个犯罪现场, 而且事实证明所有的行动都发生在加布这边的山上。

First we do have other breaking news.


Two men found shot to death overnight.


The LAPD says their bodies were found in the 1400 block of Cliff Drive in Mount Washington.

洛杉矶警察局称,他们的尸体是在华盛顿山悬崖路 1400 街区发现的。

Police gave no information on arrests.


As the police extend the perimeter of the crime scene, Gabe's car actually gets trapped inside and now it's up to Zak alone to chase the next story.

当警方扩大犯罪现场的警戒范围时,加布的车实际上被困在里面, 现在只能靠扎克独自追查下一个故事。

By Zak's measures, tonight was a solid six out of ten.


There were only three stories: the big residential fire, the hit-and-run, and the shootings at the overlook.


In his 17 years behind the wheel, the average story gets between 2 to 20 hits.

在他 17 年的从业生涯中,他的故事平均能获得 2 至 20 次点击。

Every station that picks up the story needs footage, and every use of the footage counts as one hit.


So naturally, the bigger the story, the more hits, the greater the payout.


A "hit" can range between $100 to $1000, depending on the nature of the incident, the scope of damage, the exclusivity, the newsroom demand, and the news cycle.

一次“损失”可以从 100 美元到 1000 美元不等,具体取决于事件的性质、损害范围、独家性、新闻编辑室的需求和新闻周期。

Of the 3 stories tonight, 2 were flops.

今晚播出的 3 个故事中,有 2 个是失败的。

The fire had zero hits.


Because it was a vacant home and there was no one inside, it wasn't considered worthy for broadcast.


The same was true of the hit-and-run.


Some publication may buy these pieces in the future as part of a broad investigative piece, but there's not much in archival footage.


To date, both incidents have earned $0.

截至目前为止,这两起事件的损失均为 0 美元。

The shootings at the overlook turn out to be even more brutal.


Yet that story has only had 3 hits to date.

但该故事至今只获得了 3 次点击。

The incident had occurred the day right after the presidential elections, and the newsrooms were too preoccupied to pay attention to anything else.

该事件发生在总统选举后的第二天,新闻编辑室太忙了, 无暇顾及其他事情。

If the shootings had somehow taken place before Election Day, Zak's hunch is that the story would not have gotten buried.

扎克认为, 如果枪击事件发生在选举日之前,这个故事就不会被掩盖。

There is a tiny chance for some stories to reach five figures per hit.


Zach calls these once-in-a-lifetime stories mega-hits where the incidents come out of nowhere but are so crazy they go international overnight.


There was a serial arsonist in LA, Harry Burkhart, back in 2011.

2011 年,洛杉矶发生了一名连环纵火犯,名叫 Harry Burkhart。

Then there was Christopher Dorner in 2013 who went around shooting police.

2013 年,克里斯托弗·多纳 (Christopher Dorner) 四处射杀警察。

Then there was the Da Vinci fire in 2014 that was so intense that it melted freeway signs, shattered windows, and caused over $100 million worth of damages.

然后是 2014 年的达芬奇大火, 这场大火非常猛烈, 融化了高速公路标志牌,震碎了窗户, 并造成了超过 1 亿美元的损失。

And the latest one was in 2023, when he and his team got an exclusive of a cop killer who was taken into custody after a high-profile overnight manhunt.

最近一次是在 2023 年,他和他的团队独家报道了一名杀害警察的凶手,经过一夜的高调追捕后,该凶手被拘留。

In Zak's 17 year career, he's only had these 5 mega-hits.

在扎克 17 年的职业生涯中,他仅有这 5 首超级热门歌曲。

Despite pushing the boundary in hardware, software, and operations, Zak's still can't change the reality of his profession.


Being a nightcrawler is boom or bust.


In this line of work, there are no minimums and no averages.


You don't get anything for showing up and you only get paid when something sells in a fickle world that demands not only the latest, but is also changing its own interests, valuations, and priorities for Stories Daily.

你不会因为出现而获得任何报酬,只有当东西卖出去时你才会得到报酬,因为这个世界瞬息万变,不仅需要最新的内容,而且还在不断改变其自身的兴趣、估值和 Stories Daily 的优先事项。

Zak's guys make anywhere from $0 to $15,000 every month, and even the most successful ones know that it's all luck of the draw, and the coin generally won't be landing on their side.

扎克 (Zak) 的小伙伴们每个月的收入从 0 美元到 15,000 美元不等,即使是最成功的人也知道这全是运气,而且硬币通常不会落在他们这边。

Being a nightcrawler is about being the right person in the right place at the right time, and it takes patience, expertise, and grit to live at night, to keep faith, to keep chasing leads, and to not flinch from the chance to shoot lightning in a bottle.

成为一名夜行者意味着在正确的时间、正确的地点成为正确的人,并且需要耐心、专业知识和勇气才能在夜间生活,保持信念, 不断追逐线索,并且不畏惧射出闪电的机会。

While the rest of the world is sleeping from 9PM to 4AM Monday to Sunday, Zak, Gabe, and the rest of the team at KNN are all working, keeping the people of LA as informed as ever.

当世界其他地方在周一至周日晚上 9 点到凌晨 4 点睡觉时,扎克、加布和 KNN 团队的其他成员都在工作,让洛杉矶人民像以往一样了解最新情况。

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