
志霖说国际 2024-08-20 14:47:15



简单来说,拜登-哈里斯上台之后,在疫情明明已经控制、经济步入强劲复苏下,又通过了两次疫情救济法案,超发货币万亿级别,一把印发了至少6万亿以上的美元。其中一个法案是哈里斯在国会50:50票情况下break tie,投下赞成票才通过的。


但是民主党的算盘不一样,他们得给2020年BLM暴动中被自己人打砸钱毁掉的城市补贴,安抚情绪才能继续暴力革命;需要给Green New Deal(GND)这种打着新能源旗号的**主义大政府项目输血,大跃进能源转型。得能源者得天下,大家这几年通过欧洲、中东战争也多少看到,能源政策一乱带来的后续全球动荡的级链反应了;需要借搞福利发钱,再膨胀一圈政府部门工作人员编制,好把DEI群体加塞进来,这都是长线投资D党的喽啰兵编制。









1. 政府宣布不允许杂货零售商提高价格。

2. 杂货店的净利润率仅为1-2%,如果供应商提高价格,它们将无法生存。因此,政府宣布食品生产商(如Kraft Heinz, ConAgra, Tyson, Hormel, 等)也不允许提高价格。

3. 并非所有杂货店都是一样的。低收入地区的商店比高收入地区的盈利能力更低,因为前者主要销售低利润的预包装食品(“批发商店中心”),而非利润较高的新鲜产品如肉类(“商店外围”)。由于低收入地区的商店无法覆盖运营成本(记住,即使批发成本固定,它们的人工、电力、保险和其他运营费用也无法固定),杂货连锁店开始关闭这些店面。农村地区和低收入城市地区的食品沙漠问题加剧。

4. 与此同时,食品生产商的利润率也迅速下降。它们的主要成本(原材料、能源和劳动力)没有固定,而减少的毛利润使得可用于支付运营成本、维护设施和再投资的现金流减少。

5. 杂货连锁店的货架空间有限,开始重新调整店面布局(指那些没有关闭的店),出售更多不受价格控制的商品——从营养补充剂到厨房用品再到服装——而不是受价格控制的食品产品。你当地的Kroger或赛富威这些店开始看起来更像沃尔玛。

6. 食品生产商停止生产低利润产品。杂货连锁店开始相互竞争以争取库存。由于它们不能通过提供更高价格来竞争(记住,这里生产商不允许提高价格,即使它们可以,杂货连锁店也没有足够的毛利润来承受价格上涨),它们通过付款条件等方面展开竞争。

7. 小型杂货连锁店开始彻底倒闭,或被更大的连锁店如Kroger收购。除了无法覆盖固定成本的原因外,另一个主要原因是它们无法可靠地确保产品交付,因为生产商优先向更大的客户销售,这些客户能够利用其更强的资产负债表提供更好的付款条件。

8. 较小的食品生产商——通常通过分销商销售,而不是直接销售给杂货连锁店——开始倒闭。因为这些生产商的价值链中有额外的步骤,而且它们的销售量较低,固定成本分摊的范围较小,所以它们的成本结构与主要食品生产商相比本质上处于劣势。当杂货店无法提高价格时,削减产品成本变得更加重要,而减少向较小生产商采购是一种容易实现的方法。

9. 随着供应链崩溃,超市门前每天早晨开始排起长队。城市开始派遣警察巡逻商店停车场,食品生产商制定了向送货卡车派遣武装护卫的应急计划。

10. 联邦政府宣布了一项计划,为各州提供区块拨款,用于购买和运营关闭的杂货店。美国农业部还接管了关闭的生产设施。

11. 政府宣布所有关键食品成本——玉米、小麦、牛肉、能源等——的价格也将被固定,以阻止“投机者”剥削现在由政府运营的食品行业。

12. 令人震惊的是,政府在运营地球上最复杂的行业之一时遇到了困难。整个食品供应链开始崩溃。

13. **主义、大规模饥荒和美国的终结迅速接踵而至。



Inflation fuels the rise of left populism, but the answer is not a so**alist planned economy

If we examine inflation and the economy over the past four years, we can see that some fundamental changes are happening now. Inflation didn’t just happen by chance; it was the result of specific policy decisions.

If we examine inflation and the economy over the past four years, we can see that some fundamental changes are happening now. Inflation didn’t just happen by chance; it was the result of specific policy decisions.

Credit to MIT professor Joseph Horton

After Biden and Harris took office, they passed two COVID-19 relief bills, even though the pandemic was under control and the economy was on a strong recovery path. These bills led to the printing of trillions of dollars—$6 trillion. One of these bills only passed because Harris cast the deciding vote in a 50:50 Senate.

At that time, the American people didn’t necessarily need the $2,000 per person in relief. What was more crucial was the full reopening of society, stimulating production, and balancing supply and demand. But the Democrats had other priorities. They needed to subsidize the cities that were destroyed during the 2020 BLM riots by their own supporters, to pacify emotions and continue the revolution; they needed to fund the Green New Deal(GND), a socialist big-government project disguised as a renewable energy initiative, leading to an energy transition "Great Leap Forward." Control of energy means the world, as we've seen in recent years through the chain reactions of global instability caused by energy policy disruptions in Europe and the Middle East (video below). They also needed to expand government agencies to accommodate the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) groups, turning them into the party’s long-term foot soldiers.

(History flashback: In 2017, one world leader warned NATO leaders that the EU's heavy energy reliance on Russia was a potential disaster. Can you guess who?)


This overprinting of money, without a corresponding increase in goods, naturally led to rising prices and inflation. The situation was exacerbated when the administration cut traditional energy production, such as the Keystone Pipeline project. For an economy that still relies 75% or so on oil, this caused oil prices to soar and further driving up the core Consumer Price Index (CPI). These factors combined to create the inflation we’ve seen over the past four years. Biden-Harris did it.

The middle has borne the brunt, with the American Dream shrinking once again. This has also led to a further shift in the social structure from a spindle shape to a dumbbell shape, paving the way for increased populism and, potentially, the spread of so**alist and c**m*nist ideologies. In just four years, the Democratic Party has gone from Biden's claiming to beat the socialist Sanders to fully backing Harris’s so**alist, planned economy agenda.They created the crisis, but their solution pushes even further to the left. If Harris becomes president, it will only worsen the situation with no chance of reversing course.

Share an excellent post explaining Harris’ food price cap.https://x.com/robertmsterling/status/1824840348008391127?s=46&t=NxG7N8JYUIFpo7lYbHqNTQ

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