
英语一点 2024-11-04 21:28:31



Someone who is cold fish could be cold-hearted.某个态度冷淡的人可能是无情的人。

Sincere words reacted on the cold-hearted person.真诚的话语对这个冷酷无情的人起了作用。Those people must have thought me duly cold-hearted.人们一定认为我的心是铁石锻造的。


Scientists have long debated whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded.长期以来,科学家们一直在争论恐龙到底是温血动物还是冷血动物。

Snakes are cold-blooded.蛇是冷血的。He doesn't look like a cold-blooded murderer.他看起来不像是冷血凶手。

Some cold-blooded animals sleep all through the winter.一些冷血动物整个冬天都在睡觉。

我们的手和脚是最先感受到寒冷的肢体部分,因此,英语有短语get cold feet,但它不是“冷脚”的意思,而是指“临阵畏缩,裹足不前”。比如:

I always get cold feet.我总是裹足不前。I began to get cold feet, but the other two guys were totally positive.我开始动摇,可其他两个人却深信不疑。

You have to do it! You've prepared really hard. You can't get cold feet now! 你必须上!你一直在很努力地准备啊,现在可不许你临阵退缩!I had agreed to give a speech, but as the time approached, I began to get cold feet.我已经答应进行一次演说,但随着时间的逼近,我开始胆怯了。

我们可以把cold和shoulder连在一起,也就是cold shoulder,指“冷落,故意冷淡”。比如:When I asked Zhang Ying for a date, she gave him the cold shoulder.我请张英跟他定约会时,她爱搭不理。

What was with the cold shoulder? 这种冷遇是怎么回事?He never gives her the cold shoulder.他从不给我的领导脸色看。He gave me the cold shoulder at the party.他在聚会上对我冷眼相待。

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