你要学着释怀,活得轻松些吧,不必事事尽心到折磨自己,精神紧绷到疲惫不堪,你又不差,漂亮的年纪为什么不让自己开心。You have to learn to let go, live more easily, do not have to do everything to torture yourself, the spirit is tight to tired, you are not bad, beautiful age why don't let yourself happy.那些走过的路,经过的事,那些笨拙而缓慢地生长,让你日渐独立且丰富。The road, the things, the clumsy and slow growth, make you increasingly independent and rich.

很喜欢“不动声色”这个词,偷偷积攒悄悄变美,你若盛开清风自来。Very like the "quiet" this word, secretly accumulate quietly become beautiful, if you bloom the breeze.你要记得一个真理 : 千万不要对还没发生的事情过分期待,也不要对没有发生的事情过分焦虑。Remember the truth that don't expect too much about what hasn't happened yet, and don't be too anxious about what hasn't happened.

生活中没有不变的风景,只要心永远朝着阳光,你会发现,每一束阳光,都闪着希望的光芒,心怀光亮勇敢出发!There is no constant scenery in life, as long as the heart is always toward the sun, you will find that every beam of sunshine, are shining with the light of hope, with light and brave to start!

小时候总是急着长大,长大后才发现,成年人的世界没有容易二字,后来你知道,关关难过关关过,夜夜难熬夜夜熬,那你可知,若心无旁鹜,笃定前行,步步难行步步行,前路漫漫亦灿灿。When I was a child, always anxious to grow up, grow up, grow up to find that the adult world is not easy two words, later you know, pass sad pass, night at night, then you know, if the heart, determined forward, step by step step by step, the road ahead is long also can.