
三月流焱 2022-12-10 18:49:57

每个人都有自尊和骄傲,不要拿自己的个性去挑战别人的脾气,学会尊重,让别人舒服才是一个人最高级的素养。Everyone has self-respect and pride. Don't challenge others' temper with your own personality. Learn to respect and make others comfortable is a person's highest quality.人这辈子,仔细想想,也就那么回事,我们努力拼搏奋斗,到头来,也不过是为了餐饱与被爱。餐饱,是我们生存的基础,被爱,是我们活下去,且活好的精神食粮。In my life, when I think about it carefully, it's just like that. We work hard, and in the end, we just want to eat and be loved. Having enough food is the basis for our survival. Being loved is the spiritual food for us to live and live well.

一个人的觉醒,1%靠别人提醒,99%靠千刀万剐。成年人最顶级的自律,就是远离多巴胺,寻找内啡肽。One person's awakening depends on 1% being reminded by others, and 99% on a thousand cuts. The top self-discipline of adults is to stay away from dopamine and look for endorphins.一个人最厉害的能力是屏蔽力,任何消耗自己关系的人和事物,学会尽快剥离其中轻松愉快做自己!The most powerful ability of a person is shielding power. Any person or thing that consumes your relationship, learn to peel it off as soon as possible and be yourself easily and happily!

生活就是自己选择的过程,想过什么样的生活品质,靠的是你自己,而不是靠别人催你。Life is the process of making your own choices. The quality of life you want depends on yourself, not others.人不能待在“舒适圈”太久,而永葆青春的最好方式,就是折腾自己,保持努力。One cannot stay in the "comfort zone" for too long, and the best way to stay young is to toss oneself around and keep working hard.

人这一生,一定要和同频的人在一起,和鼓励你前行的人在一起,和灵魂有趣的人在一起,和正能量的人在一起,因为这样就会越来越快乐,越来越阳光。In your life, you must be with people who share the same frequency, who encourage you to move forward, who have interesting souls, and who have positive energy, because this will make you happier and more sunny.原则和底线,才是你的人品和底色,人品不正,再成功优秀都是暂时的,德不配位、必有余殃,厚德,方能载物。The principle and bottom line are your character and bottom line. If your character is not correct, success and excellence will be temporary. If your virtue does not match, there will be consequences. If you are virtuous, you can carry things.

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