
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-12-05 06:34:25

With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of its international influence, more and more foreigners choose to come to China to work. To work in China, one must apply for a work visa and subsequent work permit and residence permit. In the process of applying for a visa and certificate, many steps and materials are needed, among which academic certification is a very important material. Recently, many customers have asked questions in this regard, and the following SFBC Xiaobian takes you to understand the degree certification in detail.


Why do I need to be certified for academic degree certificates obtained abroad (overseas)? Because it is necessary to issue a certificate to indicate that the student's overseas education and study method are recognized by the Ministry of Education. It includes an examination of various aspects such as the way of studying, the school attended, and the time spent studying.


1. what is the academic certification of international students?

一、 留学生学历认证是什么?

The paper presents certification consulting opinion on the corresponding relation between the foreign degree and the Chinese degree, issues a written certification proof for the foreign degree certificate or HIGHER education diploma through accreditation ASSESSMENT, and for the foreign degree certificate or higher education diploma that has not passed accreditation assessment, issues the notice of not being accredited.


2. What are the scope of certification for international students?

二、 留学生学历认证办理的认证范围有哪些?

1. Foreign universities or other institutions of higher education to study regular courses obtained the corresponding academic degree certificate or higher education diploma;

1. 国外大学或其它高等教育机构攻读正规课程所获相应学历学位证书或高等教育文凭;

2. Foreign academic degree certificates or higher education diplomas obtained by Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institutions (projects);

2. 中外合作办学机构(项目)学习所获国(境)外学历学位证书或高等教育文凭;

3. Relevant academic degree certificates or higher education diplomas obtained from universities or other higher education institutions in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

3. 港澳台地区大学或其它高等教育机构攻读正规课程所获相应学历学位证书或高等教育文凭。

Third, what are the common certificates that cannot be certified?

三、 常见的不能办理认证的证书有哪些?

1. Graduation certificate obtained from foreign language training or other non-academic education courses;

1. 参加外语培训或攻读其他非学历教育课程所获得的毕(结)业证书;

2. Certificates of research experience and post-doctoral research of trainees and visiting scholars;

2. 进修人员、访问学者的研究经历证明和博士后研究证明;

3. Preparatory certificate issued by a foreign institution of higher learning or other institution of higher education;

3. 国(境)外高等院校或其他高等教育机构颁发的预科证明;

4. Foreign non-higher education diplomas, honorary titles and honorary degree certificates without corresponding study or research experience;

4. 国(境)外非高等教育文凭、荣誉称号和无相应学习或研究经历的荣誉学位证书;

5. Foreign academic degree certificates and higher education diplomas obtained illegally or illegally, as well as foreign academic degree certificates and higher education diplomas not recognized by their respective countries;

5. 违法或违规获取的国(境)外学历学位证书和高等教育文凭,以及不被所属国认可的国(境)外学历学位证书和高等教育文凭;

6. Cross-border remote overseas degree certificates and higher education diplomas;

6. 跨境远程国(境)外学历学位证书和高等教育文凭;

7. Qualification certificates of various occupations (practice) outside China;

7. 国(境)外各类职业(执业)资格证书;

4. What are the evaluation criteria for international students' academic certification?

四、 留学生学历认证评估标准是什么?

1. Whether the certificate issuing institution has been incorporated into the national higher education system of the host country (China), and whether it has legal degree awarding qualifications;

1. 证书颁发院校是否被纳入所在国(中国)的国家高等教育体系,是否拥有合法学位授予资格;

2. The continuity and cohesion of each stage of the students' overall learning experience in the whole process of obtaining certificates since high school;

2. 学生自高中开始,获得证书全过程整体学习经历中各阶段的连续性与衔接性;

3. Duration of study and residence and type of visa of the student in the country of the certificate issuing institution;

3. 学生在证书颁发院校所在国的学习居留时间和签证类型;

4. Learning mode (such as distance education, correspondence is not recognized);

4. 学习方式(如远程教育,函授不被认可);

5. The certification of cross-border cooperative education between countries and regions shall be treated prudently in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, policies and this standard.

5. 涉及国家地区间跨境合作教育形式获得证书的认证需依据相关法律、法规、政策和本标准审慎对待。

To sum up, if foreigners want to apply for a work visa through China's education certification, they need to obtain education and degree certificates that belong to the scope of certification and meet the evaluation criteria. Work visa application procedures are more complex, if you have more related questions, welcome to search SFBC for consultation.


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