
时代楷模 2022-01-26 11:34:43




Art Resume

ZhuYegen, male, born in May 1063, Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, studied sculpture for several years, more than 6 years in middle age, amateur painting and painting, flowers and birds, animals, characters, landscape painting, is a member of Zhejiang Qiantang Art Institute, China Academy of Fine Arts, National Art Partner, Zhang Xiong Art Network.Novel ideas, clever layout, fine ink; with a strong nationality and sense of time, with a unique personal style.The work is highly praised by the society.



In February 2020, 21 works (ripe red and yellow fruits in autumn) were issued by Shanshui Danqing International Art Center, American philatelic group and European Philatelic Association in conjunction with the postal departments of the United States, France, the Netherlands and Belgium.

In October 2021, 16 works such as "autumn tour of mountains and rivers and looking at mountains" were jointly produced by China Society of mass culture, Changhe international auction (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and China International philatelic network in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with the words of "100 years of glory and 100 famous masters".

In October 2021, 15 works such as "streams flowing into the river" were produced by the association of European art exhibition centers for European countries such as the Netherlands, Spain and Belgium.


In October 2021, 24 works such as "fairy goddess blessing deer sending health" were jointly issued by China culture into Wanjia calligraphy and painting art center, China philatelic research and development organizing committee, China Philatelic publicity Center Network and Macao Post.

In November 2021, the work "Juxiang Qinghuan source peace" was auctioned in Britain and collected by foreign collectors.In November 2021, the work "Qinghuan nature source peace" was included by Baidu Encyclopedia.In November 2021, the work was published in time magazine.In November 2021, the work was launched on the people's Daily website.










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