策展人 Curators:
维力科·马瑞彻夫斯基 Veliko Marinchevski
艾丽莎·特泽娃 Elitsa Terzieva
展览日期 Exhibition Dates:
开放时间 Opening Hours:
10:00-17:00(周二闭馆 Closed on Tuesday)
展览地点 Exhibition Place:
Exhibition Hall 2,China Printmaking Museum
主办单位 Organizer:
中国版画博物馆 China Printmaking Museum

In the six-year history since its foundation, the China Printmaking Museum has established itself as a platform without analogue in its activity in the world - the promotion, support and collection of first-rate graphic art.And as a bond between the past and the future.
这个平台上有观澜国际版画双年展和观澜版画原创产业基地相关活动,此次我们有幸在此举办中欧与东欧版画作品展,在中国版画博物馆展览团队的鼎力支持下, 此次展览共挑选并展出了来自20位艺术家的71幅版画作品, 希望中国观众能一睹中欧和东欧版画在艺术上的不同追求、并由此看到他们在艺术上的成就与贡献。
The current exhibition is yet another opportunity - beyond the Guanlan International Printmaking Biennial, which has established itself as a number one venue, and the related activity with the Guanlan Printmaking Base – for yet another look, both familiar and different, at printmaking in Central and Eastern Europe – quests, achievements and contributions. With the help of the managementof China Printmaking Museum, a selection of 20authors and 71works has been presented.
Curator/Veliko Marinchevski
The mighty artistic presence of signature representatives of the leading printmaking schools in Central and Eastern Europe is being unfolded in the emblematic spaces of the China Printmaking Museum.
The resounding polyphony of these magnetic creative auras, in which the individual aesthetic worldview is distinctly delineated, is in organic harmony. The primordial striving of the person to turn from a creation into creator is materialized in its purest from in this field of unity.
The masters of European printmaking embark upon the spiritual space of China implementing contiguity with a tradition which draws its vitality both from its millennial accumulation and its ability for a profound perusal of the aesthetic achievements realizedin other geographical areas. The echo of the particular attractive force exercised upon Western artists in the 20thcentury by the cultural foundation and philosophic thought of the East resonates in the entire pattern of the collection. The current initiative is a significant stroke in the process of intense exchange based on the proactive cultural strategy of China in the last few decades.

鲁道夫大师的专栏 Kolotoc Majstra Rudolfa
弗拉迪米尔·加佐维奇Vladimir Gazovic
石版 Color Lithograph
51x40cm丨1993丨斯洛伐克 Slovakia
The exposition includes works by some of the most prominent representatives of the German, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbian and Bulgarian schools which have left their bright imprint in European printmaking in the second half of the 20thand the beginning of the 21stcentury. Via resorting to intercourse with the works, the viewer senses the distinct tangibility of being and, at the same time, eclipses in a trajectory transcending the boundaries between the material and the immaterial, the individual and the global.

侵入 Penetration
斯托扬·特萨涅夫 StoyanTsanev
铜版,飞尘 Etching,Aquatint
The artistic quest unfolds in a rich spectrum from the exquisite laconicismof the plastic synthesis dominated by the image – sign to the intricately structured metaphoric figurativeness saturated with muti-layeredsemantic codes. The suggestions presented indirectly resonate with tangible distinctiveness in the wealth of plastic techniques used by the authors.
In contemporary prints, theic clash between black and white is modified by the distinct pulsation of colour which has gained vivid impact in co-existence with this counterpoint. When viewed in a philosophical context, this triad transports us to the duality of being.

When in intercourse with the graphic work as an emanation of an art with a particular force of impact preconditioned by the specificity of the creative process, we face the issue of themultiplied uniqueness” of artistic expression reflected in each circulated print. In printmaking, central role is devoted to the oppositionprecision-spontaneity” in which the categorytime, in its philosophical and concrete being, attains an interpretation different from any other art. The multiple sealing of the impulse, the moment, the gesture, the emotion on the printing leaf multiplies the explicitness and force of their impact.

The selection of authors in the current exhibition is not the result of a quest for thoroughness but rather an attempt to present the richest possible spectrum of points of view illustrating the main trends in the development of this art in the last fivedecades. A significant stroke in this entire concept is the inclusion of individual authors from Kosovo and Armenia who emphasize with their presence the active artistic exchange which makes them party to the dynamics of the artistic processes in the geographic area under review.
The authors have given life to works which are contemporary in their plastic appearance but exist beyond time in their absolute dimensions. The precision and perfectly mastered plastic syntax and uplifted artistic dialogue among the authors stand out clearly.

论无限的阈值2 On the threshold of infinity II
哈伊克·格里戈良 Hayk Grigoryan
铜版,美柔汀 Etching,Mezzotint
The antinomic commitment between the visible, behind which the layers of the unknown hide, and the invisible, which has attained the contours of the comprehensible, is essential for the collection. In its absolute being, the artistic work is no longer identified with its creator but it exists autonomously. Its mighty resonance provokes the finest levels of perception transporting us beyond the limits of human knowledge. The viewer perceives a new reality beyond the senses which shelters authenticity beyond the limits of the apparent. Reliable navigation has become possible where the reference points set by sensory perception disappear.

The graphic leaves turn into material bearers of universal spiritual values attained in the quest for a ford through the labyrinth of introspective insights. The beautiful polyphony of dazzling artistic individualities in this exhibition resonates in the most elevated dimensions of art where the boundaries between time and space, here and beyond, abstract and concrete have been erased.
保加利亚国立美术馆 艺术评论家、史学家
Curator/PhD Elitsa Terzieva
Art critic and historian, National Art Gallery, Bulgaria.
Appreciation of some works

女人与天鹅 dame mit schwane
保罗·伍德里奇 Paul Wunderlich
石版 Color Lithograph

夜晚的人们2 People of the night II
阿尔宾·布鲁诺夫斯基 Albin Brunovsky
石版 Color Lithograph

我的母亲 meine mutter
吉里·安德利 Jiri Anderle
干刻,美柔汀 Dry needle,Mezzotint
73x51.5cm丨1979丨捷克 Czech

空瓶景观 landscape with empty vase
卡罗尔·昂德雷卡 Karol Ondrejska
铜版 Etching
49.5x58.5cm丨1990丨斯洛伐克 Slovakia

该选哪一条路 Ktorym smerom
罗伯特·扬科维奇 Robert Jancovic
铜版 Etching

献给奥斯维辛集中营的安魂曲 Requim for Auschwitz
奥尔德里奇·库尔哈奈克 Oldrich Kulhanek
铜版 Etching
41.9x24.7cm丨1971丨捷克 Czech

南瓜630 Pumpkin 630
斯坦尼斯劳·韦伊曼 Stanislaw Wejman
铜版,飞尘 Etching, Aquatint
37x30.5cm丨2020丨波兰 Poland

古巴人的早晨 Kubins morning
杜尚·卡洛伊 Dusan Kallay
铜版 Etching
59x49cm丨1984丨斯洛伐克 Slovakia

莱奥斯·贾纳切克《随想曲》 Leos Janacek,capriccio
卡罗尔·德梅尔 Karel Demel
铜版 Etching
64x40cm丨1990丨捷克 Czech

第九天 The Day Nine
克里斯托夫·托马斯基 Krzysztof Tomalski
干刻,美柔汀,铝版 Dry Point,Mezzotint,Aluminum
65x95cm丨2018丨波兰 Poland

无题 No title
佐兰·托多维 Zoran Todovic
铜版 Eching
65x32cm丨1993丨塞尔维亚 Serbia

镜子 Mirror
佐兰·格玛斯 Zoran Grmas
综合版 collagraphy
65x32cm丨2010丨塞尔维亚 Serbia

两群乌鸦 Two Clouds of Crows
米尔科·博日科夫 Milko Bozhkov
石版 Lithography
46x65cm丨2000丨保加利亚 Bulgaria

无题 No title
弗拉基米尔·维尔贾塞维奇 Vladimir Veljasevic
丝网版 Screen Print
90x35cm丨2016丨塞尔维亚 Serbia

破晓2 The Dawn II
阿吉姆·萨利胡 Agim Salihu
飞尘,干刻 Aquatint,Dry Point
107x76cm丨2015丨阿尔巴尼亚 Albania

动物图鉴-怪物3 The Bestiary series, Monster III
阿格涅斯卡·西斯林斯卡 Agnieszka Cieslinska
铜版 Eching
70x76cm丨2020丨波兰 Poland

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