
理想国度 2025-01-24 21:57:37

capture [ˈkæptʃə(r)] ① v. 俘获,逮捕;夺得,抢占;(用文字或图片等)捕捉,刻画,描述,表达;拍摄,录制 ② n. 俘获,捕获;占领,攻占;夺得,赢得

例句 A list of 10 to 20 desirable images is plenty, but don’t include only popular sites on it—aiming for less touristy pictures such as some from a

residential neighborhood in a big city is a creative way to capture a sense

of place.【2017-1《纽约时报》】

列出 10~20 张理想的照片就足够了,但不要只选热门景点的照片—拍一些诸如大城市居民区这类旅游氛围不那么浓厚的照片是描述地域感的一种富有创意的方式。

近义词 v. 俘获,逮捕

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