
美腾聊文化 2023-05-15 15:04:02

三岁时意识到父母吸毒、八岁时乞讨、十五岁时母亲死于艾滋病、父亲进入收容所、十七岁时用短暂的两年时光以全优的成绩完成了别人需用四年的时间学完的高中课程,2000年获得纽约时报奖学金,进入哈佛大学学习,2001年为照顾生病的父亲转学到哥伦比亚大学,直至2006年其父也因艾滋病离世,随后返回哈佛大学,2009年最终从哈佛大学毕业,创立了自己的公司,以帮助更多处于逆境中的人在生活中取得成功,这就是《风雨人生路》的作者、主人公利兹· 莫里的人生经历。从无家可归的流浪女孩到世界顶尖大学的哈佛学子,利兹· 莫里的改变激励更多的人珍视现在、把握机遇、自强不息、感恩社会、完善自我。

风雨人生路》作者利兹· 莫里


《从无家可归到哈佛学子》 利兹·莫里(《Homeless to Harvard》Liz Murray)演讲节选

I don't know. I don’t know how long can you know that there is something bigger for you, and yet you ignore that.


Don’t we do that? We tell ourselves what? I’m gonna take on a bigger picture in myself, I really will recess my career, relationship, health.


When? Later! Right?


We always do this. I am. I just can’t because I’m busy right now, and we get so wrapped up in the moment we make this promise to ourselves later.


I pushed away school to later. I pushed away taking, stepping into my life in the biggest sense. I push that away later. And when you push that away, you’ll push away even the most important things.


Cause I sat on my friend’s coaches and I realized they were complaining, and complaining and complaining, and I sat down and I said to myself. You know what, and I just stood up and look at my friends and say, “Guess what guys, I don’t know where I’m sleeping tonight, one of your houses maybe, maybe outside. I don’t know what I’m gonna eat, I don’t have... I don’t have... I don’t have...


“But you know what I do have: two hands and two feet. I have a brain in my head and air in my lungs, and what else do I really need?”


Like what else do you really need to begin a today to lead the life you know you are meant to lead? You know in your heart what it is. And what more do you need to change before you step into that? I stood up, and I looked at them, and then next feeling which has been the biggest resource in my life since - “gratitude”.


You can either pick one thing in life, resentment or gratitude, get on the side, I promise you. I looked at that moment and realized I may not have my mother ever again, but I had these resources. I had myself and I could go forward.


I remember that the feeling inside of me, and a need to change my life, and that voice at the back of my head - it took on the specific question, and the question was “What if ...?”


You know that voice in the back of your head and said “what if……”? “What if I tried that much harder?” “What if I pushed one more time?” “What if ...?” It’s the part of you that dreams.

你知道,我的脑后响起一个声音:“如果…会怎样” “如果我再多努力一些呢?”“如果我再努力试一次会怎么样?”“如果......?”它是你梦想的一部分。

A disempowered conversation will do a couple of things that will look for blame, and it’s concerned with the past. It’ll go, “What happened before? Why didn’t it work out?” It will count what is not there.


An empowered conversation is unconcerned with blame. It simply says, “what’s next?” and it steps forward with a willingness to be responsible for what happens next. That is the difference between empowered and disempowered conversation. And I stood at that doorway and I knew nothing in my history took away from the fact that I still had a choice.


Life is a miracle. You don’t have to be stuck in a situation that you are in. If there is something in your life that is holding you back, you have to identify what that is, because, I promise you, there is a way to break pasted.


I want you to identify that voice inside of yourself and begin to trust it. And ask yourself what is it that has been in my way and how do I unblock that? Dig deep inside.


Life does not wait for anyone, and your life isn’t later. Your life is right now.


根据丽兹的自传《风雨人生路》改编的电影梗概:丽兹出生在美国的贫民窟里,父母双双染上毒瘾,母亲患上了精神分裂症,最终均死于艾滋病。贫穷的丽兹经常出去乞讨、流浪,甚至捡拾垃圾箱里的食物裹腹充饥,历经了千辛万苦,受尽了百折千磨。 母亲的去世激发她必须改变自己的生活,她知道只有读书方能改变自身命运,于是她决定上高中,走出困境。丽兹的漫漫求学路坎坷多舛,最终她被哈佛大学录取,并获得了纽约时报的奖学金,成功毕业。演员托拉·伯奇精彩演绎了小女孩利兹克服困难、努力奋进的故事,她以细腻的情感精心刻画主人公的内心,塑造了一个可怜、可爱、可敬、可喜、可贺的利兹,感人至深,给观者带来强烈的心灵震撼!

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