开始赚的可能是生活温饱和生活质量,之后是格局和眼界的提升,对所有人来说衣食无忧固然重要,但拥有独立思考和自由才更重要。The first income may be food and clothing and quality of life, followed by the improvement of pattern and vision. It is important for all people to have food and clothing, but it is more important to have independent thinking and freedom.人生就是一个还债的过程,你始终要相信,这个世界没有一片雪花会落错地方,一切自有安排,万般皆是命,半点不由人。Life is a process of paying off debts. You should always believe that no snowflake in this world will fall in the wrong place. Everything has its own arrangements. Everything is life, and nothing is left to others.

这些年最对不起的就是自己,将就这个顾及那个,唯独委屈了自己,最后变成随时爆发,喜怒无常的神经病,把那个乐观开朗对生活充满激情的自己彻底弄丢了,脾气磨平了个性消失了,只剩下满身的疲惫和孤独!In recent years, I was most sorry for myself. I took care of this and that, but I wronged myself. Finally, I became a nervous disease that broke out at any time and was moody. I completely lost the optimistic, cheerful, passionate person who was full of life. My temper was smoothed and my personality disappeared, leaving me exhausted and lonely!

如今的我,不喜欢给别人添麻烦,也不喜欢给自己找麻烦,平淡的走着,简单的活着,风来听风,雨来听雨,人生百味,随意就好。Today, I don't like to make trouble for others or myself. I walk quietly and live simply. The wind listens to the wind and the rain listens to the rain. Life is full of flavors.一定要做一个生机勃勃,热爱生活的哇塞女孩啊,虽然可能流过泪咽过苦,但都翻篇了,往后的日子都是崭新的,我们谁也不许回头看。We must be a lively and loving girl. Although we may have suffered through tears, we have turned the page. The days ahead are brand new, and none of us can look back.

生活总是这样,好一点,坏一些,好与坏交错更替之后,心也随之强大,在修行,在改善,给自己一点时间!Life is always like this. Better and worse. After the alternation of good and bad, the heart will become stronger. We are practicing, improving, and giving ourselves some time!