
三月流焱 2022-12-10 19:03:54

得了晚睡的病,却没有晚起的命。以前睡不着是因为睡的太多了,现在睡不着是想的太多了。I got sick of staying up late, but I didn't get up late. Before, I couldn't sleep because I slept too much. Now I can't sleep because I think too much.希望我们都能释怀,敢于被讨厌的勇气,放弃去纠正他人的误解,我们永远自由的,不该被束缚,不该被琐事拖着,不该被头昏脑胀烦着。I hope that we can all relax, have the courage to be hated, and give up to correct the misunderstanding of others. We are always free, and should not be bound, dragged by trifles, or bored by dizziness.

别贪恋任何你能力之外的甜头,更别追逐和自己能力不匹配的生活。因为,每一份索取,命运都已标注了筹码,这些筹码在你不堪支付的时候可以压垮你。Don't covet any sweetness beyond your ability, let alone pursue a life that doesn't match your ability. Because every claim and destiny has marked the chips, which can overwhelm you when you can't afford it.三观正,多赚钱,少说话,向前走,不回头,如果事与愿违,上天一定另有安排,或早或晚,失去的一定会另一种方式归来。Three views are right. Make more money, talk less, move forward, and don't look back. If things go against your expectations, God will make other arrangements. Sooner or later, the lost will come back in another way.

我们总是为了太多遥不可及的东西去奔命,却忘了人生真正的幸福不过是灯火阑珊的温暖,柴米油盐的充实,这一年里,无论赚的钱是多是少,经历的事情是好是坏,你一定要记得,如果这一年你很健康,就是最好的一年。We always run for too many things that are far away, but we forget that the real happiness of life is just the warmth of the dim lights and the enrichment of food and rice. In this year, no matter how much money we earn or how little, and whether the things we experience are good or bad, you must remember that if you are very healthy, this is the best year.

所有的好事发生之前,一定会有糟糕的经历先来折磨你。没有山穷水尽,哪来柳暗花明;没有万念俱灰,哪来绝处逢生。Before all the good things happen, there must be bad experiences to torture you. If there is no end of life, there will be no bright future; If you don't despair, you can't survive in a desperate situation.

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