丁芾,女,生于1951年。1982年毕业于四川大学中文系。自幼隨父习字绘画(父,丁忠瑛,徐悲鸿嫡传弟子)。后师从雪山画派领军人李兵先生画雪山。作品数次参加国内外各种大奖赛并获奖,被多家艺术馆和爱家收藏。近年,国家级网媒《中国报道》《人民政协网》《人民经济网》《人民日报》等多家媒体进行过报道。2023年5月,北京8条地铁线连续一周,播出其两幅金山画。2023年6月,美国纽约时代广场大屏幕连续一周播出其6幅雪山画。2023年8月《艺术品牌》推岀(中国文化,惊艳世界)丁芾:时代榜样人物专题展播。2023年10月,两幅金山在《第五届中国.国际艺术精英绘画作品展》中分别获特等奖和二等奖。2024年1月1日,应邀参加中法建交60周年书画展。2024年1月13日,应邀参加【中国国际艺术精品展暨中亞国际艺术节】,作品金山获一等奖。2024年2月5日,艺术品牌推广工理发表:瑞龙呈祥中国年/艺术名家丁芾新春贺岁专题片”2024个中2月20日“創荣时代艺术中心为丁芾做的专题片“星河灿烂,艺道日新—丁芾”。Ding Fu, female, was born in 1951. He graduated from the Chinese department in Sichuan University in 1982. He studied calligraphy and painting with his father (father, Ding Zhongying, a direct descendant of Xu Beihong) . I studied under Mr. Li Bing, the leader of the Snow Mountain School. His works have participated in various domestic and foreign Grand Prix and won prizes, and have been collected by many art museums and loving families. In recent years, the state-level online media, “China report”, “CPPCC network”, “People's economic network”, “People's daily” and many other media have reported. In May, the city's eight subway lines 2023 two paintings for a week. In June, a 2023 of his six snow mountain paintings were shown on the Times Square Jumbotron in New York for a week. In August, the 2023“Art brand” launched (Chinese culture, stunning the world) Ding Fu: time role models special exhibition. In October, the 2023 Jinshan District won a Special Prize and a second prize respectively at the 5th China International Art Elite Painting Exhibition. On January 1, the 2024 was invited to participate in an exhibition of Chinese painting and calligraphy on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France. The 2024 was invited to participate in the China International Fine Art Exhibition and Central Asia International Art Festival on January 13, and her works won the first prize. 2024 on 5 February, art brand promotion technology published: “Auspicious Chinese New Year/art master Ding Fu New Year special film” 2024 in February 20, “Chuang Rong Era Art Center” for me to do special film“Star Bright, art road new-ding Fu”.