
富甲北京 2024-10-24 11:31:09

哥本哈根“Living Places生活空间”项目被全球建筑A+Awards奖评委会评选为2024年“可持续私人住宅类”获奖作品,同时经公众投票被选为“建筑+创新类大众选择奖”获奖作品。这两个奖项证明了“Living Places生活空间”项目在全球建筑界的重要意义。

The Living Places Copenhagen project has been selected by the jury as the 2024 Architizer A+Awards winner in the Sustainable Private House category, as well as the Popular Choice winner in the Architecture+Innovation category, voted by the public. Both awards testify to the importance of the Living Places project on the global architecture scene.

▼建筑概览,Overview of the building©Adam Mork

2023年4月,VELUX Group、EFFEKT architects、Artelia engineers和Enemærke & Petersen contractors在哥本哈根铁路区为“哥本哈根Living Places生活空间”揭幕,这是整个“Living Places生活空间”概念的第一个样板典范。该项目的愿景是引领建筑行业的发展方向,展示建筑是如何通过重新思考来解决一些全球性的气候及健康挑战。该概念基于五项关键原则,旨在打造“健康、适应性强、简单、可长期共享且可扩展”的住宅。这些指导原则既适用于新建建筑,也适用于那些已建成的社区。

In April 2023, the VELUX Group, EFFEKT architects, Artelia engineers, and Enemærke & Petersen contractors opened the doors to Living Places Copenhagen in the Railway District in Copenhagen – the first prototype of the overall Living Places concept. The vision behind the project is to lead the way in the building industry and show how rethinking buildings can help solve some of the global climate and health challenges. The concept is based on five key principles that aim to make homes that are healthy, adaptive, simple, shared over time, and scalable. These guiding principles are relevant to both new constructions and established communities.

▼建筑与周边环境,Building and surroundings©Adam Mork

在该项目中,VELUX Group及其合作伙伴展示了如何建造每平方米二氧化碳排放量仅为3.85 kg的住宅,而且价格与单户住宅或大规模排屋的市场价格相当。此外,该项目的设计重点是利用日光和新鲜空气营造健康的室内环境,并提供一流的室内小气候。

With the project, the VELUX Group and its partners demonstrate how to build homes with a CO2 footprint of 3.85 kg/CO2/m2/, and to a price that matches the market price for a one-family house or rowhouses at scale. Furthermore, Living Places Copenhagen is designed with a strong focus on creating a healthy indoor climate using daylight and fresh air, and it delivers a first-class indoor climate.

▼引入日光与新鲜空气的首层空间,The first floor space introduces sunlight and fresh air©Adam Mork


As a part of the project, the partners carried out a complete Life Cycle Assessment, which means that each material, design, and building technique has been carefully considered and mapped in terms of the emissions they project compared to a typical Danish household. Based on that assessment, the project shows that we do not have to wait for future technology to build homes that benefit both people and the planet.

▼建筑的室外花园,Outdoor garden of the building©Adam Mork


The Architizer A+Awards is one of the largest award programs focused on promoting and celebrating the year’s best architecture. The “Sustainable Private House” category awards private housing projects that incorporate sustainable systems and materials, and follow best practices within ethical design, construction, and operation. The “Architecture+Innovation” category is dedicated to projects that unlock new ways to build, including incorporating new, experimental, or unconventional design concepts and materials, or that rethink traditional approaches in pioneering ways. The Architecture+Innovation award is based on public voting.

▼使用可持续材料的阁楼空间,Flat space with sustainable materials©Adam Mork

VELUX Group可持续建筑部总监 Lone Feifer 表示:“我们为哥本哈根生活空间项目获得这两个奖项而深感荣幸。一方面,我们希望该项目向世人展示,建造健康、经济、低碳的住宅是可行的,但更重要的是希望该项目能启发业界和人们,引导大家以不同以往的方式设计和思考住宅。这两个奖项肯定了我们的创新理念,不仅得到了成千上万公众投票者的认可,同时也对私人业主产生了吸引力。”

“We are very honored to receive these two awards for our Living Places Copenhagen project, and to be acknowledged as winners of the Sustainable Private House and Architecture+Innovation categories. Our ambition with the project is, on one hand, to show that it is possible to build homes that are both healthy to live in, affordable to build, and with a low carbon footprint, but it is also important for us to inspire the industry and people to design and think homes differently than what we are used to. With these two awards, we thrive on the affirmation that the concept is not only acknowledged for its innovative approach by thousands of public voters, but also that it appeals to private homeowners,” says Lone Feifer, Director of Sustainable Buildings at the VELUX Group.

该项目在2023年荣获EY创新类“可持续发展奖”、Bo Bedre杂志“创新设计奖”,以及美国建筑师协会颁发的“可持续未来奖”和“建筑功绩奖”,并在2024年3月荣获“主动式建筑雷达图”大师奖和MIPIM 2024“最佳住宅项目奖”。

In 2023, Living Places Copenhagen won the EY Sustainability Award in the innovation category, the Innovative Design Award of Bo Bedre magazine, as well as the “Sustainable Future Award” and the “Merit Award for Architecture” from the American Institute of Architects. In March 2024, Living Places Copenhagen won the “Active House Radar Master Award” and the MIPIM 2024 award for “Best Residential Project”.

▼楼梯空间,Staircase space©Adam Mork

Project name: Living Places Co

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