
娱乐不谈国界 2025-02-19 17:50:46


雨水是二十四节气中的第二个节气,通常在公历2月18日或19日开始,标志着气温回升、降水增多,万物开始复苏。今年的雨水节气从2月18日18时07分开始。Rain Water is the second of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, typically beginning on February 18th or 19th. It signifies a rise in temperatures and increased rainfall, indicating the onset of spring. This year, Rain Water starts on February 18th at 18:07. (音频资料在公众号)

在雨水节气期间,气温逐渐回升,冰雪融化,降水量增加,为春耕生产提供了有利条件。民间有“春雨贵如油”的说法,强调春季降雨对农业的重要性。During the Rain Water period, temperatures gradually rise, ice and snow melt, and precipitation increases, creating favorable conditions for spring farming. There’s a saying, “Spring rain is as precious as oil,” highlighting the importance of spring rainfall for agriculture.

在雨水节气期间,气温回升,降水增多,万物复苏。人们应注意根据天气变化,适时增减衣物,预防感冒等疾病的发生。As temperatures warm and rainfall increases during this time, nature awakens. It’s advisable to adjust clothing according to weather changes to prevent colds and other illnesses.



For parents, Rain Water is an excellent opportunity to experience the essence of spring with their children. They can take walks in the light rain, appreciating nature’s beauty and the warmth spring brings.Additionally, families can engage in activities like planting trees or flowers together, adding a tou ch of green to nature. These shared experiences not only strengthen family bonds but also create lasting memories.


下面是脍炙人口的唐代诗人杜甫的名作《春夜喜雨》描绘了春夜喜降甘霖的景象,我们一起来诵读吧:Below is the renowned poem “Happy Rain on a Spring Night” by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, depicting the delightful scene of a timely spring rain. Let’s recite this poem together to appreciate the beauty of spring rain.

好雨知时节,Good rain knows its time right;

当春乃发生。It will fall when comes spring.

随风潜入夜,With wind it steals in night;

润物细无声。Mute, it moistens each thing.

野径云俱黑,Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads;

江船火独明。In boat a lantern looms.

花重锦官城。Dawn sees saturated reds;

花重锦官城。The town’s heavy with blooms.

2025-02-18@Manor Place

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