
旧游成梦寐 2024-07-06 15:48:04


The best traditional Chinese medicine is oneself. Why do many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners live to the age of ninety? Because he is open, wise, not deformed, and does not torment himself.


The source of health does not lie in the body, but in the mind. For example, if you dislike someone, the healthy way is to avoid them.


It's not because I have a certain social status and the right to choose that I can do it. I know many lower people who also live happily. You need to understand that being angry is foolish, so that you don't get angry. By doing so, you are already half healthy.


In summary, the most reliable way to maintain health is to be as naive as possible.


I remember a wise man once said that there is a "god" in our bodies, called "god" in foreign languages, "spirit" in Chinese language, "subconscious" in psychological language, and "Tathagata" in Buddhist language.


It always loves us, and if we follow its meaning, we will live better; If we don't follow its meaning, it will remind us and give us some trouble, and these small troubles are just to remind us to come back from our mistakes.

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