





翻译时,“终审判决”可表述为final judgement,也可根据含义直译为judgement of last resort;“终局裁决”可表述为final disposition、final award、final decision。



Capital Punishment may only be carried out pursuant to a final judgment pronounced by the Supreme Court.


The judgement of the court of appeal is not yet final, as it may be appealed to the Supreme Court, provided that the Supreme Court grants leave to appeal.


If the judges of a higher court decide to revoke the order, the final disposition will retain no reference to the order and the person will remain in Romanian territory, regardless of the decision reached as to guilt.

鉴于上述意见,建议第 3 款的措词如下:“对终局裁决作出此种补充时,应适用第 34 条第 2 款的规定。

In view of the comments made above it is suggested that paragraph 3 be phrased as follows: “When such an addition to the final award is made the provisions of article 34, paragraph 2 that it shall apply.

该组织与法兰西共和国政府之间任何有关对本协定或任何补充协定之解释与实施之争端,如经谈判或经双方同意之 任何其它适当方法尚未解决,则应提交由三名成员组成之仲裁法庭作终局裁决;三名成员之一应由该组织总干事指定,一名由法兰西共和国政府外交部长指定,另一名由此二成员选定,若上述二名仲裁人不能就第三名仲裁人的人选取得一致,则由国际法院院长指定第三名仲裁人。

Any dispute between the Organization and the Government of the French Republic concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement, or any supplementary agreement, if it is not settled by negotiation or any other appropriate method agreed to by the parties, shall be submitted for final decision to an arbitration tribunal composed of three members; one shall be appointed by the Director-General of the Organization, another by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of the French Republic and the third chosen by these two.

转载自:旗渡译问网站  作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海翻译)

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