
U才优料 2024-06-28 09:35:22


As a power supply R & D engineer, naturally often deal with various chips, some engineers may not understand the inside of the chip, many students directly turn to the application page of the new chip, according to the recommended design to build the periphery. In this way, even if the application is not a problem, it also ignores more technical details, and does not accumulate better experience for its own technical growth. Today, take a DC/DC step-down power chip LM2675 as an example, try to explain the internal design principle and structure of the next chip in detail.


Typical application circuit of LM2675-5.0


Open the LM2675 DataSheet and first look at the block diagram


All internal unit modules of the power chip


This diagram includes all the internal unit modules of the power chip. We have a good understanding of the BUCK structure. The main function of this chip is to drive the MOS tube and form a loop to control the PWM drive power MOS tube by detecting the output state through FB pin, so as to achieve stable voltage or constant current output. This is a non-synchronous mode power supply, that is, the continuous current device is an external diode, rather than an internal MOS tube.


Let's analyze how each function is implemented



Reference voltage


Similar to the reference power supply for board level circuit design, the internal reference voltage of the chip provides a stable reference voltage for the other circuits of the chip. This reference voltage requires high precision, good stability and low temperature drift. The reference voltage inside the chip is also called the band gap reference voltage, because this voltage value is similar to the silicon band gap voltage, so it is called the band gap reference.


This value is about 1.2V, which is a structure of the following figure:


Voltage reference structure


Key point: I1 is a positive temperature coefficient, and Vbe is a negative temperature coefficient, and then adjusted by the N value, but to achieve good temperature compensation! A stable reference voltage is obtained.


N The general industry according to 8 design, in order to achieve zero temperature coefficient, according to the formula calculated Vref=Vbe2+17.2*VT, so about 1.2V, currently in the low-voltage field can achieve less than 1V benchmark, and in addition to the temperature coefficient and power ripple suppression PSRR and other problems, limited to the level can not be further.


The final schematic is like this, and the design of the op amp is of course very particular:


Schematic diagram of circuit design


Temperature characteristics simulation as shown in the figure:


Temperature characteristic simulation





We know that the basic principle of the switching power supply is to use PWM square wave to drive the power MOS tube, then naturally need to generate the module of oscillation, the principle is very simple, is to use the charge and discharge of the capacitor to form a sawtooth wave and comparator to generate a square wave with adjustable duty cycle.


Precision current charge-discharge oscillator circuit diagram


The final detailed circuit design is as follows:


Typical application circuit of LM2675-5.0


A technical difficulty here is slope compensation in current mode, which is aimed at stabilizing the slope when the duty cycle is greater than 50%, additional compensation slope is added. I have a superficial understanding of it, and interested students can learn it in detail.



Error amplifier


The function of the error amplifier is to ensure that the output is constant current or constant voltage, and to sample the feedback voltage. So as to adjust the PWM driving the MOS tube, as shown in the diagram:


Current control mode



Driving circuit


The structure of the final driving part is very simple, which is a large area of MOS tube, and the current capacity is strong.


Drive module circuit diagram



Other module circuit


The other module circuits here are to ensure that the chip can work normally and reliably, although not the core of the principle, but really occupy an important position in the design of the chip.


Specifically, there are several functions:


1. Start the module

启动模块的作用自然是来启动芯片工作的,因为上电瞬间有可能所有晶体管电流为0并维持不变,这样没法工作。启动电路的作用就是相当于“点个火”,然后再关闭。如图:上电瞬间,S3自然是打开的,然后S2打开可以打开M4 Q1等,就打开了M1 M2,右边恒流源电路正常工作,S1也打开了,就把S2给关闭了,完成启动。如果没有S1 S2 S3,瞬间所有晶体管电流为0。

The role of the startup module is naturally to start the work of the chip, because it is possible that the current of all transistors is 0 and remains unchanged at the moment of power-on, so it cannot work. The function of the starting circuit is the equivalent of "lighting a fire" and then shutting it down. As shown in Figure: At the moment of power-on, S3 is naturally turned on, then S2 can be turned on M4 Q1, etc., then M1 M2 is turned on, the constant current source circuit on the right side works normally, S1 is also turned on, and S2 is turned off to complete startup. If there is no S1, S2, and S3, all transistor currents are zero in an instant.


Starting circuit


2. overvoltage protection module OVP


It is well understood that when the input voltage is too high, the output is turned off by the switching tube to avoid damage, and a protection point can be set by the comparator.


Overvoltage protection circuit


3. Overtemperature protection module OTP


Temperature protection is to prevent abnormal high temperature damage to the chip, the principle is relatively simple, using the temperature characteristics of the transistor and then through the comparator set protection points to turn off the output.


Temperature protection circuit


4.overcurrent protection module OCP


In the case of an output short circuit, for example, the output current is detected to feedback the state of the output tube, which can be turned off or limited. In the current sampling shown in the figure, the current of the transistor is directly proportional to the area of the sampling tube. Generally, the area of the sampling tube Q2 will be one-thousandth of the output tube area, and then the drive of the MOS tube is controlled by the voltage comparator.


Overcurrent protection module OCP


There are also some other auxiliary module designs.



Current mirror


Inside the IC, how to set the working state of each transistor, that is, through the bias current, the constant current source circuit can be said to be the cornerstone of all circuits, the band gap reference is therefore generated, and then through the current mirror to provide current for each functional module, the current mirror is through the area of the transistor to set the required current size, similar to mirroring.


Energy gap reference for curvature compensation


小 结


The above is probably the entire internal structure of a DC/DC power chip LM2675, which is also a review of the previous knowledge. Of course, this is only the basic architecture in principle, the specific design should also consider a lot of parameter characteristics, need to make a lot of analysis and simulation, and must have a deep understanding of the semiconductor process parameters, because the manufacturing process determines many parameters and performance of the transistor, accidentally out of the chip has defects or even can not be applied. The whole chip design is also a relatively complex system engineering, which requires good theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Finally, learn and learn, not also say!

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