
三月流焱 2022-10-06 09:47:05

人间一趟,本应积极向上,去做有意义的事,爱值得爱的人,乐观和爱才是生活的兴奋剂。A world trip, should be positive, to do meaningful things, love is worthy of love, optimism and love is the stimulant of life.

时常觉得事与愿违,人生艰难。但也还是相信,上天总会眷顾对生活依旧怀揣信心的人。Often feel that things backfire, life is difficult. But I still believe that God always favors those who still have confidence in life.

生活中很奇怪的是:你很容易忘记你想记得的事情,却不容易忘记你想忘掉的事情。The very strange thing in life is that it is easy to forget what you want to remember, but not easy to forget what you want to forget.

如果没有躺赢的命,就请站起来,别丧,好坏都是成长,希望你成熟稳重 ,绝处逢生,越活越优秀。If there is no lie to win the life, please stand up, don't lose, good or bad are growth, I hope you are mature and stable, survive, more live more excellent.

时光欠你的,会在往后的日子慢慢还。生活本就挺难,别再折磨自己了!Time owes you, will be slowly in the future days back. Life is very hard, don't torture yourself!

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