包伟,抽象派艺术大师,师从郑凯,王易罡,方力钧等诸位老师,世界文联世界美术家协会会员,中国抽象艺术联盟山东地区副主席,中国大众文化学会书画艺术委员会委员。海口国艺委书画艺术博物馆荣誉馆长,国际名人百科主席。分别入选荣誉中国,盛世中华复兴有您珍藏版邮册。代表性展览:2014包伟抽象作品展,2022首届中国“广西抽象展”,2023包伟—艺坛名家纽约时代广场海外展播,“法国巴黎温度—当代艺术线上展《艺术和平》国际艺术名家和平艺术展。《国之大者》包伟弘扬艺术家精神。中国美术终身成就奖,全国艺术典范“人民的瑰宝”艺术奖。莫奈国际艺术金奖。中华人民共和国艺术大家。国宝级艺术大家。2024佳士得在线秋季精品拍卖会《袁隆平—墨像》成交价格80万成交。《方鲁子—墨像》成交价格70万成交。Bao Wei, a master of abstract art, studied under Zheng Kai, Wang Yigang, and Fang Lijun, other teachers. He is a member of the World Federation of Literary and Artistic Societies, the vice chairman of the Shandong branch of the Chinese Abstract Alliance, and a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of the Chinese Popular Culture Society. He is also the honorary curator of the Haikou National Museum and the chairman of the International Celebrity Encyclopedia. He has been selected for the "Glorious China" and "Revival of China" commemorative albums Representative exhibitions include: Bao Wei's Abstract Art Exhibition in 2014, the First Guangxi Abstract Art Exhibition in 202, Bao Wei - A Renowned Artist in New York's Times Square in 2023, and the "Art and Peace" online exhibition in, France. "A Great Artist" - Bao Wei promotes the spirit of artists. He has received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Chinese Art, the "People's" Art Award, and the Monet International Art Gold Award. He is an outstanding artist of the People's Republic of China and a national treasure-level artist. 2024, his works "Yuan Longping - Ink Portrait" and "Fang Luzi - Ink Portrait" were sold at Christie's autumn auction for 800,000 and 700,000 respectively.
2024-12-03 18:28:13