
旧游成梦寐 2024-05-22 21:38:06


The farthest distance in a relationship is not the difference in status, wealth, education, or beauty or ugliness, but the difference in each other's values.


People who have different perspectives will eventually disperse. Only when their hearts align can they walk side by side and illuminate each other's lives.


I have heard this little story:


Two young people made an appointment to go hiking together. The first person had good physical strength and arrived at the mountaintop, overlooking the sea. The second person only climbed halfway up the mountain and saw weeds and rocks all over the ground. After returning, the two of them exchanged insights. The former said that the scenery on the mountain is really wonderful, and they will go again in a few days; The latter feels exhausted and not worth it at all. In the end, no one was able to persuade anyone, and the argument turned red and red.


In fact, neither of them is wrong, except that one is at the mountaintop and the other is halfway up the mountain. The scenery they see is different, and their understanding is naturally different.


People's cognitive levels are always uneven.


If you forcefully communicate with people who cannot get along, it is not beneficial to talk to the same chicken and play the piano with the cow.


Only by being with people who resonate with the same frequency can we appreciate each other and make up for each other's shortcomings.


Just like a pair of shoes that fit well, even if the design is not exquisite, they can still be worn comfortably and go for a long time.

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