
三月流焱 2022-09-22 14:47:51

成长的代价是什么呢?笑容少了,熬夜也长了,睡觉也容易醒了。越来越沉默越来越喜欢独处。责任也越来越重了。What is the cost of growth? Smile less, stay up late is also long, sleep is also easy to wake up. More and more silent, more and more like to be alone. The responsibility is also getting heavier and heavier.

有的时候,你必须一个人去承受,所有的不快乐和心酸,因为有些事,根本就没有感同身受,你的崩溃,你的痛苦,以及天大的委屈,在大多数人眼里,其实只是一个故事。Sometimes, you have to bear it alone, all the unhappy and sad, because some things, there is no empathy, your collapse, your pain, and the great injustice, in the eyes of most people, in fact, it is just a story.

忠诚是自我约束,而不是管束,以珍惜之心不放纵自己,信任之心不限制他人。Loyalty is self-restraint, not control, to cherish the heart does not indulge themselves, trust the heart does not limit others.

生活从来没有容易的答案,只有去克服重重问题,把自己还给自己。Life is never an easy answer, only to overcome the many problems, to give yourself back to yourself.

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