
腾双看国际 2023-03-22 02:08:02

3月20日,Telegram 频道 General SVR(俄罗斯退役中将经营的账号) 坚称:普京没有去过克里米亚的塞瓦斯托波尔和乌东的马里乌波尔。使用的是替身!


The information from the Kremlin resources that Vladimir Putin visited Crimea and Mariupol is NOT true. A double of the president appeared in Crimea with a short visit, solely for the sake of video and photo sessions. Putin himself was not even around, so the "visit" came out somewhat crumpled and indistinct. Without the presence of the president in the immediate vicinity, the double is forbidden to have meaningful conversations and hold long meetings, fearing embarrassment or another "reservation" of the double. The same applies to a visit to Mariupol. The double was filmed in the material, did not talk much, did not stay anywhere for a long time. “Spontaneous” trips of “Putin” around Mariupol driving the car himself, without blocking the streets, without a motorcade of guards, going out “to the people” in an occupied front-line city is not only unrealistic, it’s not even funny. The President was, at this time, many hundreds of kilometers away, warm and completely safe. They risked a double for the sake of a PR company. We have repeatedly said that Putin is haunted by the laurels of Zelensky, who really happens at the front, communicates with the military on the front line, demonstrating desperate courage. The President of Russia, with his pathological cowardice, does not want to risk his precious life, for this there is a double who is brave, unlike Putin. Actively using a double, recently, Putin is increasingly becoming a "fake" president.


来自克里姆林宫资源的弗拉基米尔普京访问克里米亚和马里乌波尔的信息是不正确的。总统的替身出现在克里米亚进行了短暂的访问,只是为了视频和照片会议。普京本人甚至都不在场,因此“访问”显得有些皱巴巴、模糊不清。没有总统在附近,分身被禁止进行有意义的对话和长时间的会面,因为担心分身的尴尬或另一个“保留”。这同样适用于参观马里乌波尔。替身是在素材中拍摄的,话不多,也没有在任何地方久留。 “普京”亲自驾驶汽车在马里乌波尔周围“自发”旅行,不封锁街道,没有警卫车队,在被占领的前线城市“为人民服务”不仅不现实,甚至都不好笑。此时,总统在数百公里之外,温暖而安全。为了一家公关公司,他们冒着双倍的风险。我们一再说过,普京心怀泽连斯基的桂冠,真真切切地在前线,与前线的军方沟通,表现出不顾一切的勇气。俄罗斯总统以其病态的懦弱,不想冒着宝贵的生命危险,为此有一个勇敢的替身,不像普京。积极使用替身,最近,普京越来越成为“假”总统。

普京2月23日在莫斯科(左)、3月18日在塞瓦斯托波尔(中)和 3月19日访问马里乌波尔(右)

普京 今天(20日)因涉嫌 在访问马里乌波尔派遣长相相似的人而受到乌克兰的嘲笑。乌克兰内政部长顾问安东·格拉申科贴出了普京下巴的三张图片,并质疑它们是否属于同一个人。

他嘲讽道:“普京,你的下巴怎么了?看起来他的化妆师最近(即地堡人最近前往被占领的克里米亚和马里乌波尔的旅行)不得不使用相当低质量的副本,甚至不是双人,而是它的副本. 我想知道其中哪一个是真实的?

一张照片显示,70 岁的普京一个月前在莫斯科联邦议会发表讲话。第一张图片显示他的下巴紧绷而精确。

第二个是据报道,普京于 3 月 18 日访问了克里米亚的塞瓦斯托波尔军港。


一位俄罗斯消息人士说:“他有这样的时刻,他看起来像一个没有牙齿的 babushka [祖母]。”



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