As soon as this thought entered my mind, the horse gave me a quick look, reared, and galloped(飞跑,飞奔) away. I pulled off my shoe and threw it after. But my aim was bad; the horse disappeared unharmed through the hole where the plug used to be when I had the old fridge.

A few nights later, I woke up scared. A dream, I thought, already forgotten- or was the horse in my bedroom? I was suddenly petrified(惊呆) of it, as if it were a spider. I searched the bedsheets, looked under the furniture, checked the skirting board for cracks, new or old, nothing. Once again I pulled back the curtains to look at that closed warehouse over the road. I'd always had my suspicions about it, and this time it could be tiny lights shining behind the filthy grilled windows at pavement level.

I got dressed at once, put a torch in my pocket and hurried over. I stood right in front of the grilled windows - but they were too filthy; I couldn't see anything through them.

There was an old door there, on crusty hinges. I kicked it open, two kicks. I switched on my torch and went inside. I was in a foreman's office: cabinets, desk and such still there. A twelve-year old calendar was on the wall.
I listened. Yes - a mouse-like scratching. This was surely where my small horse had come from, and maybe, I figured, there'd be a whole herd in the warehouse somewhere.

In the light from my torch nothing had any colour. I walked on battered floorboards towards the main storeroom. A tall, wooden sliding door barred my way. I could find no handle and my pushing and coaxing(小心地摆弄) wouldn't budge(稍微移动) the thing. I gave it a kick but it was thick and solid and didn't feel it.

What else could I do? I gave up and turned to go. But after only a few steps, I heard the sliding door open behind me. I jumped in fright. Had I pressed a button without realizing it? Was there someone there?