I told Mr Ducksbury, my sales manager. He reacted the same, then started showing me new photos of his grandchildren.

“No. No. Really. I'm serious,” I said.
“Oh, yeah. A small horse? There's no such thing.”
“But there is - I've seen one.”
“Then why's no one else ever seen one? What makes you so special?”
There was a young man who'd worked part-time in the packing department for a bit(片段). I'd avoided talking to him at the time, even when I needed to check on a stock-level, because someone had said he was a painter - oils and all that(等等,诸如此类). I looked up his address in the files. I went there that very day.

“Excuse me.”
“You may remember me from Hollis's. Can I come in for a moment?”
He let me in.

There were two naked girls seated back to back on a dais(讲台) thing. He was painting them, all in orange. I was highly embarrassed. One put on a dressing gown and went to make a pot of tea, but the other just sat there scratching herself. I never got the tea, and didn't gabble(急促而含混不清地说) through much of my story to the young man, either. He grew sarcastic(讽刺的,挖苦的) very quickly and asked me to leave. The girls started laughing as he prodded me out.

When I got back home the horse was drinking from a saucer of milk I'd left out for it. I poured some breakfast cereal(/ˈsɪəriəl/谷类食物) into my hand and offered it for the thing to eat. It stood thinking, but wouldn’t dare come. I got bored of crouching there, so went off to watch TV.

But I tried to get it to eat from my hand every time I saw it and at last, a fortnight later, mid-morning - I hadn't bothered to go to work-it trotted(快步,疾走) up and ate contentedly from my hand. I was thrilled to see it close up. With my feeding, it had put on some weight. What a perfect little thing it was! But, being the way I am, I couldn't tolerate its mystery, its extraordinariness. I decided to kill it, to put poison down and be rid of it.