Energy and Built Environment(EBE)国际期刊第6卷第2期共收录14篇论文。其中,国外稿件5篇,分别来自爱尔兰、挪威、印度与黎巴嫩(2篇)。自2025年开始,本刊年载文量增加至84篇。
湘潭大学 阮芳团队
The entransy dissipation ratio (EDR) was introduced.
The performance of the system and components was analyzed.
The irreversibility rates for each component was studied.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2), 187-200.
爱尔兰都柏林大学 Madhavan Vasudevan团队
Wind deflectors reduced overall street canyon CO concentration (2.84 folds in 2D).
Benefit of adjustable deflectors tested for 2D and extended to 3D scenarios.
Adjustable deflectors were effective for changing traffic in 3D city-type environment.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)201-218.
印度穆斯林大学 Taliv Hussain团队
Experimental analysis of a rotary dehumidifier with molecular sieve desiccant.
Performance analysis of solid desiccant dehumidifier using coupled regeneration mode.
Full waste heat from condenser and electric rod heat used as coupled regeneration mode.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)219-229.
气凝胶基定形相变材料的制备、分类与应用综述河北工业大学 孔祥飞团队
Preparation methods of aerogel-based PCMs from different materials.
Multifunctional response mechanism of aerogel-based PCMs.
Improvement of thermophysical and mechanical properties of aerogel-based PCMs.
Advanced multifunctional applications of aerogel-based PCMs.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)230-247.
黎巴嫩国际大学 Mohamad Abou Akrouch团队
A detailed comprehensive review of photovoltaic panel cooling techniques.
Originalification system for cooling methods applied to photovoltaic panels.
Valuable guidance for future research and insights into improving efficiency.
Automatic spray cooling has the shortest payback period at 1.279 years.
Phase change materials have varying payback periods between 2.828 and 3.772 years.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)248-276.
基于空调排风系统双重利用的光伏冷却与洗碗机干燥一体化系统黎巴嫩国际大学 Mahmoud Khaled团队AC exhaust for PV panel cooling increases the electric efficiency by 5 to 50%.
Recovered hot air from PV panels is repurposed for dishwasher drying.
Recuperated thermal energy achieves remarkable efficiency of 95% to 45%.
Exergetic efficiency reaches 5.2%, aligning with previous studies.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)277-284.
Coupling of solar active heating system and passive solar house in Tibetan.
PMV-PPD and LPD method are used to compare and evaluate the indoor environment.
Indoor temperature of the test building exceeded 14 ℃ for 81 days during 179 days.
The solar active heating system's dynamic payback period is 2.57 years.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)285-296.
Latent heat storage water tanks are analyzed.
Phase change heat storage processes and heat release processes are investigated.
Cold water inlet temperature and outlet temperature are presented in the analysis.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)297-306.
山东建筑大学 庄兆意团队
Thermal-physical parameters of R134a, DMF and their different combinations.
Establish the mathematical model of each component of the absorption heat pump unit.
Influence of external factors on performance of R134a-DMF absorption heat pump unit.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)307-319.
基于雷诺数强化的微热管光伏光热系统的传热性能实验研究挪威能源技术研究所太阳能系 朱俊杰团队
With R141b in the MHPs, total efficiency of MHP-PV/T system is enhanced.
A three-dimensional mathematical model for PV/T module is established.
Re and h of R141b in the MHPs are proposed to enhance heat transfer.
The fitting equation of MHP-PV/T surface temperature is established.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)320-331.
天津大学 Rolains Golchimard Elenga团队
A multiobjective algorithm is used to optimise the performance of the building.
Different melting temperatures, thicknesses, and positions of PCMs are considered.
Four distinctive climatic zones are investigated.
A technoeconomic assessment is performed.
PCM is economically and environmentally viable in all selected climates.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)332-346.
西安建筑科技大学 罗西团队
The factors that influence college students’ energy-saving intentions were explored.
The mechanism of normative information on energy-saving intention was revealed.
The effect of normative information on energy-saving behavior was expanded.
Positive low-intensity normative information achieved the best energy-saving effect.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)347-361.
扬州大学 李彦军团队
A numerical model of ammonia-water falling film generation outside was established.
Obtained the distributions of temperature, concentration and velocity field of film.
The influences of external operating conditions on generation process were analyzed.
The influences of properties of the working fluid on generation process were studied.
The addition of nano-particle has a certain promotion on falling film generation.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)362-377.
中车研究院(青岛)有限公司 唐雅洲团队
One 1HP TEAC system with 16 TECs was designed for high-speed railway.
One extreme high cooling capacity TEC was designed, i.e. 350 W at ∆T = 10 °C.
The flow and temperature fields within the carriage were analyzed.
Temperature in the carriage exhibited linear relation with the inlet air temperature.
Energy and Built Environment. 2025, 6(2)378-386.