
U才优料 2024-08-07 11:33:33


In the field of electrical engineering, there is a widely recognized criterion: "The secondary side of the current transformer shall not be open, and the secondary side of the voltage transformer shall not be short." This phrase is considered "biblical" in practice. When removing the secondary line of the current transformer, electrical engineers will first short-circuit the secondary side with a short-circuit splinter or a short-circuit cable, and then disassemble or connect the cable. This approach is the right way to ensure the safety of personnel.


I personally experienced the phenomenon of crackling discharge at the terminal when I removed the current line of the meter. So, why can't the secondary side of the current transformer be open? What is the principle behind it? What are the consequences? Next, we will carry out a detailed analysis of this, so that you can better understand.


Current transformer


When the current transformer works normally, the secondary load is ammeter or watt-hour meter current coil and transmitter, etc. The impedance of these coils is very small, basically running in the short-circuit state.


In this case, the magnetic flux generated by the primary current and secondary current of the current transformer cancels each other, so that the magnetic flux density in the core is maintained at a low level, usually at a few tenths of a tesla (the unit of magnetic flux density: T), because the secondary resistance is small, the secondary voltage is also low.


Secondary side open circuit


When the secondary winding of the current transformer is open, if the primary current does not change, the secondary circuit is disconnected, or the resistance is very large, then the secondary side of the current is 0, or very small, the magnetic flux of the secondary coil or core is very small, and the primary magnetic flux cannot be offset. At this time, all the primary current becomes exciting current, so that the core is saturated, this change is sudden, called mutation, and its magnetic flux density is as high as several Tesla.




After this situation occurs, it will have the following consequences:

1. 二次产生数千伏电压(这个没有验证过,是照抄的理论),高电压可能击穿电流互感器的绝缘,使整个配电设备外壳带电,也可能让检修人员触电,有生命危险。

1. The secondary generation of thousands of volts (this has not been verified, is copied from the theory), high voltage may break down the insulation of the current transformer, so that the entire distribution equipment housing is charged, and may also allow maintenance personnel to be electrocuted, which is dangerous to life.

2. 铁芯突变饱和会使互感器的铁芯损耗增加,铁芯会发热,损坏互感器。

2. The sudden saturation of the core will increase the core loss of the transformer, and the core will heat up and damage the transformer.

3. 互感器饱铁芯饱和,计量失准,CT比差和角差加大。

3. Transformer core saturation, measurement misalignment, CT specific difference and Angle difference increase.

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