
寻绿聊课程 2024-07-05 00:44:06
"逍遥游" “Free and easy wandering.”"吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯,殆已。" “Life is limited, but knowledge is limitless. To pursue the limitless with the limited is dangerous.”"不知周之梦为蝴蝶与?蝴蝶之梦为周与?" “Was I then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or am I now a butterfly dreaming I am a man?”"天地有大美而不言。" “Heaven and earth have great beauty but do not speak.”"道隐于小成,言隐于荣华。" “The Dao is hidden in petty achievements, and words are hidden in excessive ornamentation.”"井蛙不可以语于海者,拘于虚也。" “A frog in a well cannot talk about the sea, because it is limited by its own small space.”"知其不可奈何而安之若命。" “To know that something cannot be changed and to accept it as if it were fate.”"鱼相忘乎江湖,人相忘乎道术。" “Fish forget each other in the rivers and lakes, and people forget each other in the practice of the Dao.”"真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。" “Truth is the utmost of sincerity. Without utmost sincerity, one cannot move others.”"大音希声,大象无形。" “The greatest sound is rarely heard; the greatest form is without shape.”"人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用也。" “Everyone knows the use of the useful, but no one knows the use of the useless.”"无用之用,方为大用。" “The use of the useless is the greatest use.”"哀莫大于心死,而人死亦次之。" “There is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart, and death of the body comes next.”"道在屎溺。" “The Dao is in excrement and urine.”"大丈夫处其厚,不居其薄;处其实,不居其华。" “A true gentleman dwells in substantiality, not in superficiality; he dwells in reality, not in ornamentation.”"无为而治。" “Govern by doing nothing.”"至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名。" “The ultimate man has no self; the spiritual man has no achievement; the sage has no name.”"人生天地之间,若白驹之过隙,忽然而已。" “Human life between heaven and earth is like a white colt passing a crack—it’s gone in a flash.”"德合无疆,大化流行。" “Virtue harmonizes without boundaries, and great transformation flows everywhere.”"至乐无乐,至誉无誉。" “The highest happiness is no happiness; the highest praise is no praise.”"独与天地精神往来,而不敖倪于万物。" “One who alone communicates with the spirits of heaven and earth does not arrogantly assert himself over all things.”"彼亦一是非,此亦一是非。" “What is considered right in one context is also considered wrong in another.”"彼窃钩者诛,窃国者为诸侯。" “He who steals a hook is punished; he who steals a state becomes a prince.”"相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。" “Helping each other with spit when water is scarce is not as good as forgetting each other in the rivers and lakes.”"人生贵知己,存亡若一。" “In life, it is precious to know oneself; living and dying become one.”"无所待,而游于无穷。" “Expect nothing, and roam in the infinite.”"得其心而忘其形。" “Gain the mind and forget the form.”"乘物以游心。" “Ride on things to roam with the mind.”"天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。" “Heaven and earth were born with me, and the ten thousand things are one with me.”"至人无梦。" “The ultimate person has no dreams.”"不以物挫志。" “Do not let things dampen your spirit.”"鹪鹩巢于深林,不过一枝;偃鼠饮河,不过满腹。" “A wren in the deep forest only perches on one branch; a mouse drinking from a river only takes enough to fill its belly.”"独往独来,是谓独有。" “To go alone and come alone is to truly have.”"心斋。" “Fasting of the heart.”"外化而内不化。" “Transform outwardly but not inwardly.”"安时而处顺,哀乐不能入也。" “Being content with time and going along with it, sorrow and joy cannot enter.”"无己、无功、无名。" “No self, no achievement, no name.”"顺其自然。" “Follow its natural course.”"道行之而成,物谓之而然。" “The Dao is walked and it becomes; things are called and they respond.”"不知不言,知而不言。" “Do not speak what you do not know; speak not what you know.”"汝果欲学诗,工夫在诗外。" “If you truly want to learn poetry, the work lies outside the poetry.”"圣人不死,大盗不止。" “If sages do not die, great thieves do not stop.”"以道观之,物无贵贱。" “Viewed through the lens of the Dao, nothing is valuable or worthless.”"夫天地者,万物之父母也。" “Heaven and earth are the parents of all things.”"故大圣不死,盗贼不止。" “Thus, if the great sages do not die, thieves and bandits will not stop.”"德者,得也。" “Virtue is what is gained.”"道德仁义,圣人之梯也。" “The Dao, virtue, benevolence, and righteousness are the steps of the sage.”"至人之用心若镜,不将不迎,应而不藏,故能胜物而不伤。" “The mind of the ultimate person is like a mirror: it does not project, does not anticipate, responds but does not retain. Thus, it can overcome things without being harmed.”"彼亦一是非,此亦一是非。" “What is considered right in one context is also considered wrong in another.”"道隐于小成,言隐于荣华。" “The Dao is hidden in petty achievements, and words are hidden in excessive ornamentation.”这些名言反映了庄子关于道、自然、人生和智慧的深刻思想。
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