Commitment:an amount of moneythat youhave to pay, or the fact ofpromising to pay.
It is unclear whether the regulator can force a foreign firm to honour its UKpension commitments.
We believe that a commitment of $25 millionis a good investment for our policyholders.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
Commitment means:
(a)the rights of any person against the Lender under this Agreement to require the Lender to make or maintain any Loan, and the corresponding obligations (conditional or otherwise) of the Lender; or
(b)the currency and maximum aggregate amount of any Loan(s) (whether made already or capable of being made thereafter).
在信贷协议中,贷款人承诺提供信贷时,借款人除了利息之外,还要加付一笔费用,这笔费用就叫做“承诺费(commitment fee)”。通常借方在未能用足贷款数额时,需要向贷方支付一项按没有动用的信贷部分计算的费用,以补偿贷款人承诺贷款义务后不能赚得贷款利息的损失。
转载自:红蓝律 作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海信息服务)