有时候想想,真正让人焦虑的,不是忙,也不是累,而是心如死灰,对什么都不感兴趣,没有爱的人,也没有想做的事。心底有个声音在提醒自己,该努力了,却不知该往哪里努力。Sometimes when I think about it, what really makes people anxious is not busy, not tired, but the heart, not interested in anything, no love, no people who want to do anything. There is a voice in the bottom of my heart to remind themselves, the effort, but I do not know where to work hard.

成年人的底气,都是钱给的,没事少矫情,有空多赚钱。有钱“都挺好”,没钱“都不好”。Adults' confidence, is money, nothing less melodramatic, free to make more money. Money is "all all good", no money is "all bad".格局要大,思路要窄;太多翻江倒海地想法,只会淹没你的彼岸,多设定小目标取悦自己,你会发现生活越来越可爱。Big pattern, narrow thinking; too many overwhelming ideas, will only drown your other shore, set more small goals to please yourself, you will find that life is more and more lovely.

无论多晚,温柔地说一句晚安,所有的努力都是值得的,记得每天多爱自己一点,把微笑挂在嘴边,把快乐放在心上。No matter how late, gently say a good night, all the efforts are worth it, remember to love yourself more than that every day, put the smile in the mouth, put the happiness in the heart.

让不甘平凡的心休息一下,夜晚是积攒能量的最佳时刻。让晚风带走一整天的疲惫,让月亮点亮整晚的好心情。Let the unwilling ordinary heart to have a rest, the night is the best time to accumulate energy. Let the night wind take away the fatigue of the whole day, let the moon light up the good mood all night.