
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-12-13 19:06:03

As we all know, Chinese visa is subdivided into many categories, foreigners want to come to China for different reasons, first need to apply for the corresponding visa, if the type of visa applied is not consistent with the purpose of coming to China, the visa application is likely to fail. In this article, SFBC takes a brief look at what type of visa foreigners should apply for when visiting China for business.


The answer is to apply for an M visa, which is mainly issued to people entering China for business and trade visits. So what is the difference between the F visa, which is also a visitor visa? Who meets the requirements for an M visa and who should apply for an F visa? SFBC takes a look at each of these issues below.

答案是应该申请M字签证,M字签证主要签发给入境中国进行商业贸易访问的人员。 那么同为访问签证的F字签证与之又有什么区别呢?哪些人符合M字签证的申请条件,哪些又应该申请F字签证来华呢?下文SFBC将对这个问题进行逐一解析。

1. The difference between business visa (M) and visitor visa (F)


In fact, in China's visa system, there was only F visa before, and there was no M visa. In September 2013, China began to divide the F visa into M(business) and F(other invited to visit, study, lecture, science and technology and cultural exchanges). The F visa is for foreigners invited to China for exchange, visits, study Tours, and other activities, and the M visa is for foreigners invited to China for profit-making activities or business.


In simple terms, the M visa is a new category set up from the original F visa, which is mainly to separate the "business personnel" in the original F visa for more targeted management. Therefore, M visa is a specific type of business personnel, issued mainly to foreigners who come to China to engage in business and trade activities. Foreigners applying for M visas shall, in accordance with the requirements of the visa authorities, provide invitation letters issued by commercial and trade partners in China, which is mainly to facilitate the visa authorities to verify the authenticity of the applicant's purpose of coming to China.


II.Difference between business visa (M) and short-term work visa (Z)


In addition, there is also a job-related short-term visa in China. How to distinguish between short-term work and business visit in China? Here are the differences between a short-term work visa (Z) and a business visa (M):


The following are short-term work assignments (short-term Z visas) :


1. To complete a certain technical, scientific research, management, guidance and other work in the domestic partner


2. Trial training in domestic sports institutions (including coaches and athletes)


3. Shooting films (including commercials and documentaries)


4. Fashion show (including car models, shooting print advertisements, etc.)


5. Engage in foreign-related business performances


III. Scope of business visa application


The following circumstances are clearly within the category of short-term business visas (M visas) :


1. Purchase of machinery and equipment supporting maintenance, installation, commissioning, disassembly, guidance and training (M visa)


2. Guide, supervise and inspect the winning project in China (M visa)


3. Those who are sent to domestic branches, subsidiaries or representative offices to complete short-term work (M visa)


4. Participating in sports events, including athletes, coaches, team doctors, assistants and other related personnel (M visa)


IV. Business Visa application Process


Finally, let's talk about the process of applying for a business visa (M) for foreigners:


Step 1: Prepare application materials such as business activity documents and invitation letters such as trade fair invitations issued by trade partners in China. The invitation letter must contain the following:


1. Personal information of invitees: name, gender, date of birth, etc

1. 被邀请人个人信息:姓名、性别、出生日期等

2. Visit information of the invited foreign applicant: purpose of coming to China, date of arrival and departure, place of visit, relationship with the inviting unit or inviter, source of expenses, etc

2. 被邀外国人申请人访问信息:来华事由、抵离日期、访问地点、与邀请单位或邀请人关系、费用来源等

3. Information of the inviting company or inviter: name of the inviting company or inviter, contact number, address, company seal, legal representative or signature of the inviter

3. 邀请单位或邀请人信息:邀请单位名称或邀请人姓名、联系电话、地址、单位印章、法定代表或邀请人签字

Step 2: Apply for a Chinese visa at the local Chinese embassy abroad


The steps of China visa seem relatively simple, as long as you prepare the corresponding materials, you can apply. However, there are many details that need to be noted in the process of preparing materials and submitting applications. For example, how to prepare all the required materials, how to issue an invitation letter to be approved by the visa officer, how to communicate with the visa officer when applying for a visa, etc. As a professional organization, SFBC has a very good understanding of the application points of Chinese business visa, and has a large number of application experience and successful cases, and has a series of complete solutions to the unexpected situations that may occur in the application. If you need to apply for a visa in China, please consult SFBC.


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