
时代楷模 2022-01-15 15:04:40


白山,原名戚荣 ,字焕烽,大学教授,中国高等教育学会美育研究会会员;中国美术家协会江苏分会会员;中国国际文化艺术品产权交易中心专家委员会委员;原江苏大学艺术学院教授。 从事美学和国画艺术教育几十年。

拜著名国画大师董寿平为师,并追随董寿平老师十年之久,曾在南京师范大学美术系研修班进修。又得著名书画家李可染 、卢光照、白雪石、溥佐、溥松窗、范曾、王遐举等大师亲自指点,博采众长。


Baishan, formerly known as Qi Rong, with the word Huanfeng, is a university professor and a member of the Aesthetic Education Research Association of the Chinese society of higher education; Member of Jiangsu Branch of China Artists Association; Member of the expert committee of China International Culture and art property rights trading center; Former professor of Art School of Jiangsu University. Engaged in aesthetics and traditional Chinese painting art education for decades.

He worshipped the famous Chinese painting master Dong Shouping as his teacher and followed him for ten years.He studied in the seminar of the Department of fine arts of Nanjing Normal University.He was personally instructed by famous calligraphers and painters Li Keran, Lu Guangzhao, Bai Xueshi, Pu Zuo, Pu Songchuang, Fan Zeng, Wang Yaoju and other masters ,he learned from others.

白山老师擅长写意山水画、墨竹、荷花等,毕生追求中国画的传统笔墨功夫,在气韵生动的原则上致力删繁就简,做减法运作,意欲给读者留下第二次创作的遐想空间 。曾多次在全国及省市级书画展获奖。作品深受业界人士的肯定和好评,多件作品被海内外知名人士、企业家、艺术家收藏。

Mr. Baishan is good at freehand landscape painting, ink bamboo, lotus, etc. He pursues the traditional pen and ink Kung Fu of Chinese painting all his life. On the principle of vivid charm, he is committed to eliminating the complexity and simplifying, and doing subtraction operation, hoping to leave readers with the reverie space for the second creation. He has won many awards in national, provincial and municipal calligraphy and painting exhibitions. The works are deeply affirmed and praised by people in the industry, and many works have been collected by well-known people, entrepreneurs and artists at home and abroad.


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